Gossip is bad...NOT!!!

Sep 30, 2005 12:26

Hahahahaha!!! I went to Hickory Saturday and got some reaaalllly good gossip on my lovely, charming, positively sweet ex-duet partner (can you tell I dislike him?) Devin. Ok. So this guy's nearly 17, but he doesn't have his license yet. He and this girl (????) stole the girls mothers car, and he drove it off of a bank. What an idiot. So he and this ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

fade2blaq2008 October 2 2005, 01:31:19 UTC
Hey how was the festival? I didn't get to go *cries* oh at the end of this month, im gonna drink a few pepsi's and eat alot of sugary stuff and see how crazy i get! lol you saw me after one pepsi, lets try 3...bring a camera. i want to do before and after pictures of my hyperness ^__^

well im gonna go
<3 Tiff


woodstock101 October 4 2005, 13:53:53 UTC
Awwww...it went really well...you missed out on meeting Tyler! NO MORE PEPSI!!!! Sorry I'm not there today....see my update for why. Luv ya!


fade2blaq2008 October 8 2005, 02:14:50 UTC
You were missed dearly not queerly (i think lol jk)!! anyways, me and sky missed you and sorry it took so long to comment but you know how the old homework routine goes. oh by the way my trip to raleigh got cancelled so ill be here until tomorrow then im going to asheboro. call my cell 380-0380 if you are just about to die without talking to me ^__^ well bye


fade2blaq2008 October 8 2005, 02:16:23 UTC
oh and p.s. brittany payne is getting on my last nerve!!!!!!


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