I continue to disappoint myself in the stupid things I say that hurt people, despite the fact I try not to. There is one friend in particular, she is from online, we've been chatting for probably close to about 5 years now and have also talked on the phone. And just the for the record, we're only friends, its nothing romantic and she is married. I
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Comments 5
Thanks, and I know that weight is a no-no with women, which makes it even more stupid that I said it.
Sending her something is a good idea, and I do know her address, but it's at the point now that after so many times my apologies are hard to accept and don't mean very much. Can't afford to buy her something everytime I make her mad.
It hurt that she said I need to learn how to be a better friend, because I try and be good to people and show that I care.
at first i was thinking that this was a certain female that we both know.. but dont think it is
No, it's not who you are thinking about. But I see why you would think that.
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