Craziie: do not be intimidated by the name. 'tis a tender move
Woody2524: lol well that's what they say
Woody2524: ...i guess ill trust lol
Woody2524: they are all knowing
Craziie: haha yes they are!
Craziie: like Jeeves..but more powerful
Woody2524: haha oh i wouldn't underestimate the power of jeeves
Woody2524: ....he is a mighty supervillain
Craziie: katie is back and she says hello!
Woody2524: oh are you still over there?
Woody2524: oooo well hello
Craziie: hah yeah
Woody2524: back....?? lo
Woody2524: l
Woody2524: where did she go?
Craziie: ahah well nevermind shes reading
Craziie: we're studying the higher points of taking over canada
Woody2524: heh heh well you better be careful jeeves doesn't try and sabotage your plans
Woody2524: he's got many connections.....
Craziie: yes i hear that hes enlisted oprah
Woody2524: ahh yes she is the comander of the naval forces
Woody2524: martha stuart is the head of his lair in australia
Craziie: i hear that yes..and dr phil used to be co-commander but she kicked him ouit
Woody2524: lol ahh yes
Woody2524: ....but baked him a pie first
Craziie: its really the right thing to do
Woody2524: ...with a big frilly goodbye card
Craziie: with lace
Woody2524:'s a good thing
Craziie: yeah..the forces were planning on leaving him in china disguised as an infant female so taht the government kills hmi,.but she intervented and did it the nice way\
Woody2524: lol
Woody2524: so what's your battle plan?
Craziie: for which battle?
Woody2524: well you are taking over canada aren't you?
Craziie: ahah oh yes!
Craziie: well ive already forgotten..its the communists trying to foil the operation
Craziie: well see im trying to get the support of the Pope
Woody2524: oh i pitty da foo dawg who wishes he was a comunist
Woody2524: lol to take over canada??
Craziie: yeah! wouldn't you?
Woody2524: oh of course!
Craziie: i asked nick blazak for other people...hes pending
Woody2524: his staff of wisdom will play a critical role
Woody2524: haha
Craziie: he said the underground army
Craziie: ..i asked is he meant badgers
Woody2524: lol
Craziie: ...i wonder
Woody2524: they seem kind of helpless....being all underground and all.....
Craziie: well they can run abuot out of their holes and then back in...
Craziie: they have protection
Woody2524: oooo and if we armed them with small pebbles and mudpies
Woody2524: oooo a leathal combination
Craziie: yesss! how powerful!
Woody2524: lol
Woody2524: colette says she will provide us with donkeys to aid us in our quest
Woody2524: ...and the illegal mexicans in her closet
Craziie: oh that'll help a graet deal! do they have water pails?
Woody2524: yes!
Woody2524: with level 2 armor
Woody2524: and a weapons upgrade
Craziie: yes! the plan will surely succeed! level one sucks!
Craziie: the pope\s trachea and larynx (possibly his pharyx's?!) are surely invovled now
Woody2524: oh we can't fail now
Woody2524: haha
Craziie: ahah no we shall succeed!
Craziie: how exciting.i call bc!
Craziie: choose a provence! there are only so many
Woody2524: lol
Woody2524: we shall not let him keep this wonderful land for long!
Craziie: oh la la you like the french canadians, eh?
Craziie: aha
Woody2524: oui oui :-D
Woody2524: well ryan has said that he will donate an infant to spit up all over canada
Craziie: oh thats pleasing!
Woody2524: yes i thought so
Craziie: ps nick called prince edward island and ontario
Woody2524: haha
Woody2524: ooo he gets an island??
Craziie: yeah!
Craziie: for all his ladies
Woody2524: haha we should prolly set one aside for rob campbell as well
Woody2524: as he's not here when the land is divided up
Craziie: ahahaha yeah i suppose so
Craziie: he needs to have like a button we can push so he nkows when we do these things
Woody2524: lol well apparently he fried his network card on his computer so it looks like he cant take over canada with us :-(
Woody2524: lol
Craziie: oh no! he'll be him a french girl
Craziie: but make sure she has opposable(er i dont know how that one is spelled) thumbs
Woody2524: lmao yeah
Woody2524: he would prolly freak out otherwise
Craziie: yeah most likely
Woody2524: we should send him some sweet tarts in the mail or somethin
Craziie: yeah..and like a maple leaf
Craziie: oh nick says that hes living withhim on his island
Woody2524: yeah....or a maple tree
Woody2524: haha
Craziie: yes a tree would be key
Woody2524: ....maybe a small shrubery would go nicely with it?
Craziie: only if it has berries on it
Craziie: or else no go
Woody2524: oh i agree entirely
Craziie: perhaps he'll try and steal a moose? what will happen then? will he be forced to be an americanized///kenwoodized mounty?
Woody2524: lol well i think it could work if we were to breed a moose with a small schrew
Woody2524: ....and a jalipenio pepper
Craziie: oh wow! what a concept!
Woody2524: yeah i think it would be possible
Craziie: it CAN be determined now
Woody2524: YES!!!
Woody2524: i like that attitude!
Woody2524: so how should we go about doing this?
Craziie: why thank you sir...this is going nicely indeed.....
Craziie: uhh..well the pope is going there for another trachea thingy
Craziie: and then he;ll unleash the woodland creatures
Craziie: who will tell teh mooses
Craziie: who will atack te mounties
Craziie: who will join nick\s rebel group and use the water pails
Craziie: to sneak attack the french\
Craziie: and then they'll call up the ghetto homies
Craziie: that arent really ghetto cause its CANADA
Woody2524: but what about the vikings?
Craziie: oh dangi forgot about them!
Woody2524: they'll be waiting in a concealed tree somewhere and could jump out at any moment
Craziie: yeah! will the mexicans..for a nice and snazzy confrontation
Craziie: there will eb music
Woody2524: lol
Woody2524: well we could have all the rebels and mexicans jump up and down at the same time and shake the vikings out of the trees
Craziie: ahahahaaha
Woody2524: where we could then send bager warriors to finish them off with small pebble
Craziie: hahhahaah YES excellent plan
Woody2524: +s
Woody2524: .....i dont think the badgers could do it with just one pebble lol
Craziie: ahah well they have mystical powers..dont forget this is canada
Woody2524: but the vikings also gain a level 5 armor upgrade from hiding in the trees
Craziie: oh wow! hmm..thats pretty powerful stuf