Oh hai guyz. Once again I post something completely unrelated to Lost altogether. I promise I will post Lost related material...one day.
This is the first of ten drabbles that are prompted by table 4 at
10_prompts. Again--as soon as my claim get approved, it'll be x-posted there, but until then, here it is.
When Seilba ran the knife up Tristan’s arm, all she could feel at first was almost a tickle, a hair dragged up her arm. But then her veins caught up with their injuries and a red line appeared up her arm. The next cut he made was along her collar bone-this time a little deeper as he tested her strength, her resolve. She felt herself start to twitch involuntarily with pain and she gripped the armrests to try to steady herself.
Seilba leaned down with a glint in his eye and whispered, “If you so much as raise a finger, I’ll tie you down to finish and I’ll do the same thing to your friend Jesse-only she won’t have the same choice you did.”
Tristan closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, determined to save Jesse from this same fate. She thought it was the most noble thing she could do.
She just wished she could convince herself that each drop of blood wasn’t simply penance for what she had done.