And of all of them, my favorite remains the one you took in evening the airport. You're wearing a yellow shirt, if I remember correctly). The lighting, color, and composition are beyond perfect.
I've enjoyed all the pics. You've taken us on a trip of hotel swimming pools, lots of everyday goings-on at your home, the squee-worthy introduction of Fred and Ethel into your family, and those hilarious movies posters, just to name a few. They often make my day. You are an internet sensation in your own right!
A Milestone, indeed..360soundMarch 12 2014, 12:16:09 UTC
First of all, I love that you posted here. For me, LJ was the first place that I began to reach out and find support at a really negative point in my life - I will always be grateful for that. It was also here that I first saw your pictures. We've never met in person, yet you have shared so much of yourself on these pages, that it feels as if we have known you for years. Thank you for that gift. You will never know all of the ways that any given shot can touch so many people - just know that it does. So, uhh.. Thanks again!! Whenever you visit Ft. Lauderdale, I definitely owe you a drink, and looking forward to your ongoing photographic adventures..
Comments 13
Thanks, and here's hoping for another 25k!
and puppies!
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