Apr 16, 2005 15:04
Post a memory you have of me in the comments. It can be anything you want, then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you. (If we've never met in person before then a phone conversation? or an IM? something.)
i think i've posted this before. oh well? just do it anyway :)
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Comments 14
teh sun !
us cheating on the test yesterday
your randomness
our chat from yesterday
you being all....high.
yeah there a bunch
yeah we've had some pretty fun times...
and my math is getting pretty hardcore.
but just for kicks :)
uhhh... when i would be like "nia gonk-zi" and you would say "carolann Rock-zi" with a confused look on your face.. when that teachr came in and was laughing at your voice
i love you carol rock-zi!
1. shmomo
2. dfe, dffe, dffffffeeee(lol)
3. kids in the hall!
4. anchorman!!
5. school of rock!
6. casa linda!!!!
7. going to sawgrass with that gay guy dancing!!!
soo many wonderful memories!! looooovvvee yoooouuu!!! =)
1. when i tried to kick scott out of the house and he got mad at u
2. scott on the phone and us not knowing wink wink
3.chasing johnny and brad and chris on the dirt bikes then that guy asking us about "riding"
4. "wanna apple"
5. chips and salsa
6. our routine in 6th hour last year
7. the ugly kids at the mall that liked us
8. the fat naked guy!
9. when kenny made me cry and u said bald eagle!
10. when we ran from the scary shadow on the garage
11. and your batmitsfa
There are so many more and our singing going down the street and odd phone converstaions! Did i miss any? probally lol
xoxo mWahz Kelly
O and when Mr.Kantor was telling us about our future!
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