Title: Memories as a Teacup: Chapter 5
wook77Pairing:: Dean/Seamus (other slash and het pairings contained within)
Rating: PG (Eventual rating: Hard R to NC-17)
100quills prompt: 35. Mask
Warnings: Canon compliant through DH. Pre-Epilogue. Additional Warnings at the beginning of Chapter 1.
Wordcount: Overall: ~70k This part: 4000
Summary: Four
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Comments 23
i adore the "see" but as the first time i read his name i saud it that way.
i love you to bits and am a sucker for UST and angst.
There's plenty of both to come with, of course, happiness there too :D.
Oh dear.
Very good.
BUT YOU LEFT THEM MAD AT EACH OTHER! *dies of frustration*
It was really hard to pick a stopping point for this update. The section would've been too long if I'd broken it anywhere else :(.
But I'm glad that you're still here (you are still here, right? Frustration didn't kill you completely?). ♥
Thanks for your comments :D:D:D
Welcome to the madness! I'm also quite glad that you're enjoying this story!
I'm not normally a Dennis fan but he's fair breaking my heart here. Poor thing.
And Seamus. Talk about bottling it up to let go at the absolute worst possible moment. Poor Dean. And I can't wait for the next installment!
And yeah - Seamus? Pisspoor timing all around. The poor guy. I'm writing the ending now and omg, I love this story *preens*.
♥ for your comments and for being you! ♥
Such is the emotion of the Irish, heh. Tempers high and flying whenever they want.
<3 You and your ability to write such wonderful Deamus! There isn't enough out there, so I'm constantly re-reading you and a few select others who really do it right! <3
and *beams and flushes* You are so good to me :D. Here, have an ollian snog as a reward :D.
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