I've watched...Oldboy, The big lebowski, american pie, hotel rwanda, Nobody knows, Gojoe, and Last life in the Universe in the last four days
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Two down one to go and I can't do it...I know what kind of bullshit is that? I've pulled by the scrap of my tits one time to many I think cause man the bullshit machine is wearing down. ONE MORE FINAL
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sooooooooo just because I have finals, assloads of reading, papers, hw, computer issues, a cold etc etc etc I resolve a la Jake...to do something
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ahahaa yet another virus WEEE. at least this time I won't have to wipe both drives...at least we don't think so. I'm kinda into macs right now...scary huh? Yea well anyhoo I most likely got it when I kept on having to switch around anti-virus programs...wow the 25 year old guy next door acts like a 13 year old...it's kinda weird. Oh well. No one
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yessssssssssss so sayeth the therapist. *sigh* I need to stop rushing out after meeting with her whispering "omigod she's so cute" in a hyper-silent giggle
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oh a whole butload of things. I saw a psych. She's gay. We NAILED San Jose. I kinda won mvp-ish and scored another try. It was brilliant. my back is still a bit twichy and I think I did something to my rotater cuff. Hmm we're going to see the St. Mary's WRFC play santa clara tmorrow. I think I should study today
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that my housemate got new speakers. So nice that I get to listen to chinese lovesong/pop 24/7 just like his speakers are two inches in front of my face despite the fact that we live 50 feet away from each other and there are two walls, two doors, and a long hallway seperating our rooms. I mean it FREAKING SOUNDS LIKE I'M LIVING IN A CPOP CONCERT.
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and paper and and god. just watched old boy then hotel rwanda....jesus....yea international politics..that's right...I just remembered that there's a reason ...god. ok well hitting the sack