Title: Free Fall Pairing: Luhan/Yixing Rating: PG W/C: ~2k Genre: Fluff/Romance Summary: In which Luhan is afraid of heights, and Yixing is a skydiving instructor.
Omg, I felt a little adrenaline rush for real when I read the part about them jumping out of the plane aaah~ I could imagine it so vividly! I L O V E heights and watch all the docus about skydiving and stuff!! /super excited I think this is the first fic about skydiving I ever read! <3
Lu Han, ahahaha, poor boy is really afraid of heights. You survived! 8D
remind me that eating throat sweets, and reading anything you write remotely related to exo is never, ever, ever a good idea......................... as in, just as bad as trying to eat or drink anything when you watch anything a-jax........................... /ROLLS ALL OVER THE PLACE FGOSIDFJGdflgjshdo;fegu'r-gt9sue5yuseprfhb
oh god. did you choke?? are you okay?? does dr. dragchan need to come save the day?¿?¿ but wow ok being compared to a-jax... i'm going to take that as a BIG compliment THANK U ♥
m-maybe... slightly... sort... of... T_T yes. yixing saying he wasn't being "handsy" on purpose when he so was (don't blame him tbh, i'd do the same) had me in hysterics omfg. so jelly of yixing lulu. AND YES YOU SHOULD TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT.
we both know dr.dragchan has never helped anyone ever, so no, it's okay. ;)))
Comments 16
I think this is the first fic about skydiving I ever read! <3
Lu Han, ahahaha, poor boy is really afraid of heights. You survived! 8D
And Yixing totally not getting handsy, uh huh ^^
as in, just as bad as trying to eat or drink anything when you watch anything a-jax...........................
/ROLLS ALL OVER THE PLACE FGOSIDFJGdflgjshdo;fegu'r-gt9sue5yuseprfhb
but wow ok being compared to a-jax... i'm going to take that as a BIG compliment THANK U ♥
(and your icons are the GREATEST OH MY GOD)
we both know dr.dragchan has never helped anyone ever, so no, it's okay. ;)))
(o fank u. ^-^)
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