Title: Hands Across the Ice Author: worblehat Genre: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Atobe/Sanada Rating: PG Disclaimer: Konomi's, not mine. Summary: Grumpy ice skating. Notes: Kind of schmoopy. Oops? Word Count: 784
I love this pairing, they are my favourite by far. So I'm glad I was able to write something for them that was good times. Thanks for reading and for the comment! ♥
It's actually my first time reading Tango Pair, but that was just so GOOD. The characterization of both was great, but I specially loved Atobe. He had a couple of lines that made me snort. (It didn't help that I was eating while I read XDDD)
Atobe frowned. "Ore-sama never blocks," he lectured. "Ore-sama lights the way with his magnificence." (Just LOL. So Atobe, so cute.)
"It's an ice skating rink," said Atobe dryly, indicating his skates with a glance. "Use your imagination."
I loved it. And now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go laugh my head off for a little while. XD
Wow, really? I love Tango Pair the most, so I find myself writing them a lot more lately. Glad you enjoyed the parts with Atobe, he's surprisingly fun to write. (Am a slightly bigger Sanada fan is what I mean, though I fangirl both, especially together).
Awwwwwww ! The end was just so sweet ! Perfect ! They were so each other ! Sanada doesn't want to admit he was being sappy ! LOL ! Tango Pair with you are just wonderful ! I really enjoyed reading them ! Yep, that was the last Tango Pair I am reading 'cause now, I am going to read all you Pillar pair that you wrote. Pillar pair, Tango pair and Royal pair are my favorites, and you write all of them ! THANK YOU ! *HUGS*
I'm glad you liked the sweetness! I thought it might be too sappy but it's what came out of my brain, so. I mostly write Tango Pair, or sometimes Pillar Pair - that one Royal Pair I just wrote for a friend, and I think it's the only one.
Comments 16
There are no words in my vocabulary to describe my love for this pairing. And the way you write it~ <3!!!!!!!
Tis teh AWESOME!
I love this pairing, they are my favourite by far. So I'm glad I was able to write something for them that was good times. Thanks for reading and for the comment! ♥
Atobe frowned. "Ore-sama never blocks," he lectured. "Ore-sama lights the way with his magnificence." (Just LOL. So Atobe, so cute.)
"It's an ice skating rink," said Atobe dryly, indicating his skates with a glance. "Use your imagination."
I loved it. And now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go laugh my head off for a little while. XD
Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it. :)
These reviews are so awesome! :)
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