Title: Moniker Author: worblehat Genre: Bleach Characters: Ishida, Ryuuken Rating: G Disclaimer: Kubo's an awesome human being. Notes: Crack? Of a sort. Word Count: 964
"You are not to block your father online." I nearly died.
If only this would fit into the range of things we could see Ryuuken do in the manga. There should be an extra about them, like the shinigami side-stories. Very, very funny, thanks! ^_^
Uryuu should take an extra slab of that full-fatty mayo, as passive-aggressive protest. :P
Oh, having conversations about when you should come up for dinner is very fun. It's especially fun when my mum asks me to tell my dad to come up for dinner and I simply send him an IM and leave her wondering why I'm not shouting or going down the stairs.
Hah, I don't think I've made more than five conversations with my parents via IM. They're kind of slow typers, so it figures. I've heard a few people talk about similar conversations to the ones you mentioned and it's gotta be funny. Maybe I'll get to try it sometime, who knows?
Comments 18
XD That. Was beautiful. ♥
"You are not to block your father online."
I nearly died.
If only this would fit into the range of things we could see Ryuuken do in the manga. There should be an extra about them, like the shinigami side-stories. Very, very funny, thanks! ^_^
Uryuu should take an extra slab of that full-fatty mayo, as passive-aggressive protest. :P
Hahaha. Thanks for reading!
It vaguely reminds me of how me and my dad will have conversations about how one should come up for dinner.
Seriously? I don't think I've ever had that conversation, but it sounds like...fun times. Mostly. :)
It's especially fun when my mum asks me to tell my dad to come up for dinner and I simply send him an IM and leave her wondering why I'm not shouting or going down the stairs.
*rolls around on the floor*
I so very much enjoyed that. No tone on the internet. Ha, ha.
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