Title: Ice is Nice Author: worblehat Genre: Lovely Complex Pairing: Koizumi/Otani Rating: NC-17 Notes: Written for prompt_a_day. Prompt was "a summer treat." Word Count: 1,374
Nyaa! When I said that I couldn't wait for another one of your wonderful stories, I never expected that you'd be so quick with the next one! I think I just might have had a heart attack when I saw that you've written again and then had another one when I saw the rating. xDDD NC-17 stories, BANZAAAI
( ... )
Errr... I just realized how unnervingly huge the previous post was. V_V;; Erm, sorry about that, it got to my head, after a really boring day, this has to be the best thing that happened to me after your previous works... So... pardon my oddness. V_V;;; *bows respectfully*
Uh, I've never had any of my fics read aloud before, to my knowledge. I hope it was enjoyable? Hah, I don't know.
Nope, no condom. It's fanfic, I'm more interested in the characterisation and the smut than being 100% realistic. I realise it's not some people's thing but since I'm the one writing, I write to my own tastes.
Ah, I guess enjoyable is...an okay word...it was funny as hell though...we're weird people so we were laughing most of the time...but I'll make sure to let her know that they we're having "Unprotected sex~" woo...hope he enjoyed it...
Honestly, my friend, she went on with this whole story 'bout how Otani got Koizumi pregnant...it got annoying after a while...I honestly could care less about the condoms...but she's into "sex" I guess you could say...@_@~ That sounds so wrong...
Thanks for writing BTW~ I thought I'd put something that makes sense in this comment.
I gotta admit, I didn't really follow most of your comment. But as for the pregnancy thing, there's also the possibility of birth control? Nothing really wrong with being into sex, though being careful in RL is definitely important. But...this is fanfic, so. It's not exactly the same.
Uh anyway. I'm not sure I cleared anything up here.
Well I hope things are working again - my replies seem to be coming in okay, if a little slow. Anyway, I hope you're having a relaxing time, or that you do this week. Or both. ♥
I loved this story.....i may be consisdered a pervert for saying this but i was looking all over for a risa/atsushi smut fic...!
Am i a pervert....?
And i'm with you with the whole "no condom" situation...because when i read fanfics like this...the addition of a condom takes away the interest...all my friends agree with me...so thank god you care more about the fic itself then stupid little details...^_^
Comments 13
*bows respectfully*
The ending was soo cute!! ^_^~
But I have a question....
Otani was wearing a condom...right??!?!?!?! @_@
Nope, no condom. It's fanfic, I'm more interested in the characterisation and the smut than being 100% realistic. I realise it's not some people's thing but since I'm the one writing, I write to my own tastes.
Thanks for reading!
Honestly, my friend, she went on with this whole story 'bout how Otani got Koizumi pregnant...it got annoying after a while...I honestly could care less about the condoms...but she's into "sex" I guess you could say...@_@~ That sounds so wrong...
Thanks for writing BTW~ I thought I'd put something that makes sense in this comment.
It was a wonderful *cough*dirty*cough* story!
Uh anyway. I'm not sure I cleared anything up here.
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Am i a pervert....?
And i'm with you with the whole "no condom" situation...because when i read fanfics like this...the addition of a condom takes away the interest...all my friends agree with me...so thank god you care more about the fic itself then stupid little details...^_^
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