Title: Naked Are You?
worblehatFandom: Star Wars
Rating: PG-13
Character: Yoda
Summary: Yoda tries to cyber.
Notes: I know this is disturbing, but... alskdnfksldfs. I got the idea and it wouldn't leave. The rating is just for insinuation.
Word Count: ~250
GreenThrobbingForce: Hello young padawan.
HotH0tt13: lol are you serious?
HotH0tt13: A/S/L?
GreenThrobbingForce: Confidential that is.
HotH0tt13: ya right
HotH0tt13: fine whats ur name?
GreenThrobbingForce: Master Yoda.
HotH0tt13: like the green guy?
HotH0tt13: wtf
GreenThrobbingForce: Problem do you have?
HotH0tt13: why the fuck do you keep talking like that?
GreenThrobbingForce: Hot does it make you?
HotH0tt13: ...........
HotH0tt13: not rly
GreenThrobbingForce: Sad that is.
HotH0tt13: not for me lol
GreenThrobbingForce: :(
GreenThrobbingForce: Sad I am. Nice you seemed. Hot time I hoped to have with you.
HotH0tt13: small green guys don't rly do it for me
GreenThrobbingForce: ... Experienced, I am.
HotH0tt13: .........
HotH0tt13: uh, yeah
HotH0tt13: i mean like
HotH0tt13: i'm sure you are and all but
HotH0tt13 has gone idle
GreenThrobbingForce: The force has gone idle with you, young one.
GreenThrobbingForce: Leaving I am.
HotH0tt13: no wait
HotH0tt13: the guy i wuz talkin to left
HotH0tt13: so lol here's your chance
HotH0tt13: ......
HotH0tt13: u still there?
HotH0tt13: fine fuck it
GreenThrobbingForce: Wait-
HotH0tt13: oh there you are
HotH0tt13: lol
HotH0tt13: so tell me master yoda
HotH0tt13: wat would you do to me?
HotH0tt13: *what
GreenThrobbingForce: Touch, I would.
HotH0tt13: .........okay, where?
GreenThrobbingForce: All over.
GreenThrobbingForce: Would I.
HotH0tt13: would u what?
GreenThrobbingForce: Touch.
HotH0tt13: oh i get it
HotH0tt13: lol
HotH0tt13: what else?
GreenThrobbingForce: With tongue would I lick between your thighs.
HotH0tt13: ok
HotH0tt13: i'd arch back into you
HotH0tt13: and open my legs wider
HotH0tt13: .......
GreenThrobbingForce: Cumming I am.
GreenThrobbingForce: brb I will.
HotH0tt13: .........
HotH0tt13: you've gotta be fucking kidding me
HotH0tt13: wth
GreenThrobbingForce: Keyboard is sticky.
GreenThrobbingForce: Embarrassing this is.
GreenThrobbingForce: ... Hello?
GreenThrobbingForce: Yoda this is.
GreenThrobbingForce: ...
GreenThrobbingForce: Blocked, am I?
GreenThrobbingForce: :(
GreenThrobbingForce: Deserved it, I did.
GreenThrobbingForce: Angry young Luke will be.
GreenThrobbingForce: Destroyed his keyboard is.
GreenThrobbingForce: Typing with the force I am now.
GreenThrobbingForce: Thankful I was to meet you. Going Yoda is. Paper towels I need to clean this up.
GreenThrobbingForce has signed off.