Title: Perpetual Injuries
worblehatFandom: Kekkaishi
Pairing: Hiura/Yoshimori
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hiura keeps getting injured and Yoshimori gets pissed off. Also, sex.
Notes: Written for word #103 @
15_minute_fic. Pairing is denoted in alphabetic order. Self-beta'd.
Word Count: 5,748
Perpetual Injuries )
Comments 10
TL;DR ILU for this. <3
Really, thank you! ♥
Wow, I love it. I'm not a crazy fangirl who ships everyone with everyone (and to be honest, my first impression of Kekkaishi was that you couldn't possible create any convincing Shônen-Ai-Couple), but this sounds just possible. There are some scenes that you can even recognize from the manga (like Yoshi not wanting anyone to die like Gen did or how he touches Hiura in the morning), which makes it even more convincing.
I really like your stile of writing. It's very well done.
There should be more good fanfictions like this. Well, ANY Kekkaishi fanfiction makes me happy... there are so scarce. It's sad so few people recognize what a wonderful, interesting, well-developed story Kekkaishi is.
I honestly wasn't really looking to ship anyone in Kekkaishi, but then certain scenes came to mind and I got this idea, so I just went with it.
Thanks! I've been writing fanfic for five years now, so I feel like my style has improved quite a lot in that time; there's still more things that can be developed, of course.
I'm with you on that one. I honestly don't understand why Kekkaishi isn't read by more people. It's one of the most amazing series I've read to date!
Thanks again for your comment. :)
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