Title: Don't Make Bill Sad, His Puppydog Eyes Will End You
Fandom: Watchmen
Rating: PG
Pairing: Bill/Byron
Warnings: kind of meta, not quite meant to be taken seriously. If you're offended it's your own fault.
Summary: A little crack AU piece in which Bill and Byron have the internet and are reading reactions to the news of the Watchmen prequel.
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Comments 2
Especially for this one: "threw his toys out of the pram". Husband and I were talking about the whole Alan Moore vs DC thing yesterday, and he also says that yeah, Moore is being an ass about this whole thing. Also, have you read the interviews with JMS (he's writing the Nite Owl and Dr. Manhattan issues)? The guy was already cool when he wrote Babylon 5, but omg, I totally love his slightly snarky attitude.
i think that is the one thing the majority of the fandom agrees on. Alan Moore's wtf-worthy behaviour.
Anyway, I saw that those interviews are around but haven't read them yet. Will have to do some time soon, though.
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