Title: Phantom Pain
Claim: Karakawa Atsushi at
yaoi_manga100Prompt #: # 074: tears
rocks_not_deadRating: PG
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I do not own Fish In The Trap. This is a fanfiction and I make no money of it.
Summary: Karakawa is being plagued by dreams that leave him in a mess. And the reason for them should be as clear as the difference between Yuuji and Azumaishi.
Phantom Pain
Violet eyes flew open as images of chaos and feelings of despair slowly gave way to a lingering sensation of sadness. Karakawa could feel the tears still sliding down his cheeks and he angrily brought a hand up to swipe at them. ‘Stupid,’ he thought as he tried to calm down. Turning his head, Karakawa watched Yuuji sleep soundly beside him. He sighed and shook his head, sliding out of bed silently. It would not do to wake his partner now. Yuuji was a busy man, after all.
The redhead’s feet made low padding sounds as he moved towards the kitchen, dressed only in a long shirt he’d quickly thrown on against the apartment’s chill. Karakawa ran a glass of water from the tap and took it to the living room, sipping from the cool liquid once in a while, while gazing at Tokyo’s skyline from the large window. The wet trails of tears were slowly drying. Karakawa clenched his fist at his side. This had to stop. There was no reason for these dreams and there was absolutely no reason to for him to fall apart in his dreams, only to wake up in a mess. Or if there was a reason, Karakawa Atsushi sure didn’t know.
He hadn’t noticed he’d closed his eyes, but they snapped open when warm arms wrapped around his waist from behind.
“Crying again?” Yuuji murmured against Karakawa’s neck, pressing his face into red hair sleepily. Karakawa just nodded.
“Why does this happen?” Yuuji righted himself and spun his lover around to face him. “I don’t know,” Karakawa replied. He had to avert his eyes, though, as his mind screamed at him.
'That’s a lie, and you know it.'
Deep down, he knew that the reason for his irrational sadness was standing right before him. Yuuji nodded silently.
“Maybe you work too much,” he told Karakawa and took the redhead’s hand in his, placing a small kiss on Karakawa’s lips. “Let’s go back to bed.”
Another night and another bout of dreams had Karakawa fleeing the bed, leaving Azumaishi to wake up in confusion.
“Karakawa-san?” He found the redhead staring out of the window, tears still leaking from his eyes. It made Azumaishi’s insides give an unpleasant lurch to see his friend, his lover… the one he loved like this.
Approaching Karakawa, Azumaishi pulled the slighter man into a tight embrace. “What’s wrong?” he whispered gently.
Karakawa shook his head, even as he buried his face against Azumaishi’s chest, willing the tears to stop.
“I don’t know,” Karakawa gasped. “I just don’t know.”
Outside the sky was beginning to lighten in the backdrop as Karakawa calmed down in his lover’s embrace.
“That’s not true, is it?” Azumaishi whispered, his arms unconsciously tightening around Karakawa. “You know.”
A/N: Love, hate, constructive criticism? Let me know!