Watching What is and what never should be at night, when one is already feeling angsty? Isn't the brightest idea. I think I cried my eyes out....
This scene?
Jensen Ackles killed me with his man pain, I want to adopt Dean and his issues, all of 'em :(
I've been thinking about soulmates and stuff. I don't know whether everyone has a soulmate, but I think I can understand what it's like when the center of your life, the most important person, your rock and your constant suddenly isn't there any more, emotionally at least. it's literally as if a part of yourself is missing...and that sucks.
me + understatements = OTP
On a side note, the charger of my laptop died, again...I've got no money, so I'm stuck with the pc for now.
my head is killing me...damn you show...damn you!