Title: Entrapment
Fandom: House, m.d.
Character(s): Dr. James Wilson and Stacy Warner
Prompt: #42- Triangle
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: although i do not own anything pertaining to the show House , this is an original work of mine.
'You really shouldn't be here.'
'Says who?'
Wilson looked up from the case file he had his head buried in. 'Says, you know, 'he pointed in the general direction of the door with his pen 'him.'
'I don't really care what House thinks. I do work here, you know.'
Wilson kept his head down. He couldn't look her in the eye, not after last night. He knew it was wrong, moving in on the woman that House loved, but instinct had won last night. He was drawn between the two of them, each a lover he could never turn away.