Title: A Lovely Circus
Fandom: House, m.d.
Character(s): Dr. James Wilson and Dr. Amber Volarkis
Prompt: #45: Moon
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Notes: although i do not own anything pertaining to the show House , this is an original work of mine.
‘Look what I can do.’
A large shadow bunny went bounding across Wilson’s bedroom wall.
Amber burst out laughing. ‘Yet another skill not listed on your already impressive resume.’
‘Ok, your turn. Hidden talent.’
Amber sat up in bed, her already pale features and flawless skin illuminated by the moonlight coming in. Her silhouette seemed clearer than usual, the gentle slope of her stomach and slow curves of her thighs dreamier.
She yawned, not in boredom but because of the blood rising to her head as she sat up, awakening her further.
‘That’s definitely talent.’ He said, amazed
Amber smiled.