A World So Small: Art

Jun 11, 2009 22:49

I received two pieces of awesome art, both by allyndra.

"Frank reads"

In his delight at this discovery, the book he had brought down with him was utterly forgotten. A short time later, Michael came downstairs and found Frank sitting cross-legged in front of the fire with books in untidy piles all around him, already several chapters into The Monk. At his friend's approach, Frank looked up, speaking before Michael could.

You guys, how cool is this? allyndra made a Frank sculpture! And offered to send it to me, so I can have a tiny Frank of my very own. :D He's Photoshopped into the background image, but doesn't it look like he's really just chilling in a tiny library somewhere? So cool.

"Gerard in moonlight"

Gerard said nothing in reply, and after a moment Frank lowered his gaze to find Gerard staring at him. With no clouds and the moon just past full, he could see Gerard's face clearly. His pale skin almost seemed to glow in the cold, silvery light, his unruly dark hair was tossed this way and that by the wind, and his eyes were locked on Frank's face with that disquieting intensity Frank had found himself the focus of before.

This is...pretty much exactly how I picture Gerard's expression in that scene, for real. I love his eyes, and his hair, and the detail of the shading and ugh, everything.

In conclusion: these are both fantastic and you should all tell allyndra how fantastic they are.

pairing: frank/gerard, fanfiction, challenge: big bang, fandom: bandom: mcr, other: fanart, verse: a world so small

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