I wonder if my favorite beta has recovered from her big move yet...
If you mean me, I have. *g* However, give me a month to get Hubby to Iraq (he leaves March 7) and then I'll have all kinds of free time, plus I'll be looking for something to do to keep me busy.
I'm sorry about your dad and Sybil. Jeesh. What a case she is. Good for your brother getting out.
Check out the live journal community bloodclaim and you'll see that plenty of people are still writing Spander S/X and lots and lots of us still want to read it!
I briefly described Sybil to a friend who's a psychiatric social worker and she said it sounds like Sybil has a narcissistic character disorder. It's a good thing that your brother is out of it and hopefully one day the kids will realize that he's not the bad guy she's painted and will come to him for help. Here's to 2007 being a better year for us all.
Hugs Shakatany
PS I second kaydee23's rec of bloodclaim and would add darker_spike
Comments 4
If you mean me, I have. *g* However, give me a month to get Hubby to Iraq (he leaves March 7) and then I'll have all kinds of free time, plus I'll be looking for something to do to keep me busy.
I'm sorry about your dad and Sybil. Jeesh. What a case she is. Good for your brother getting out.
Check out the live journal community bloodclaim and you'll see that plenty of people are still writing Spander S/X and lots and lots of us still want to read it!
Here's to 2007 being a better year for us all.
PS I second kaydee23's rec of bloodclaim and would add darker_spike
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