Title: Veni, Vidi, Vici (Part 1)
Pairing: Junmyeon/Kyungsoo/Jongin (SuDoKai)
Rating: NC-17
Length: 9,358 words
Summary: Whatever he expected to see - and hear - it definitely wasn’t EXO-K’s leader butt naked, legs spread and head tilted to the side, watching him with hooded eyes, back against the wall and his fingers curled into Kyungsoo’s hair,
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Comments 32
This is sooooo dirty my head spinning, omg Kyungsoo the cock slut extraordinarie damn it.
My head still not in coherent state now, I can't. ;A;
the way his cock twitches slightly in his pants tells him that his body is vehemently agreeing with his brain.
LOL vehemently XD
But I'm a bit surprised that kyungsoo actually isn't Jongin's boyfriend or something like that :O
And I'm not a suhokai shipper at all but I KNOW that the part two wouldn't be less hotter than this. XD
Thanks for writing! ♥
Oh yeah, yeah Jongin's body really really likes what he sees.
Nah, in this 'verse, Junmyeon and Kyungsoo are the ones together, and Jongin is the one who's gonna be joining in :D Mmmmm, do look forward to that too once I get it posted~
Thank you for reading! ♥
Junmyeon is such s dick torturing my Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo you slut
I love Sukaisoo and this fic is just awesome beyond words for me.....I'm planning on writing a sukaisoo ot3 one day and your story just gave me a boost of inspiration
Thank you for writing and sharing :)
Junmyeon is totally a closet sadist, I swear. And Kyungsoo is a complete and utter cockslut lol. He can't help himself when there are two gorgeous guys who want him :p
Ooh, link me when you're done? :D There needs to be more of this OT3 hahahahah
Thank you for reading and commenting!
PS. The weather combined has made me bloody hormonal now.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Last night, I was reading up on this post and I'm such a zodiac sign freak at times.. Junmen's kinky side is something I'd like to see when he's not infront of the cameras or fans. I'd like to think it'd take a grope of his ass and the rest would be history.
Haha, I remember snickering so hard when I read a tweet on what Geminis are like in bed lol. Favourite line is definitely shit just got real when a Gemini gets into bed with you.
Oh. Oh. His reaction if someone groped his ass in private- that is sort of calling for a fic in and of it's own already, oh dear.
what do i even say i mean wOW
you're great really really great please never stop doing what you're doing??? i don't even ship this threesome but reading it is just insanely sexy and i'm starting to like it heh
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