So, I wrote a ballad set roughly in the Cthulhu mythos. It was extremely hard to force ancient one gibberspeech into iambic trimeter/tetrameter alternating. ( Cut for length...and terror )
Thanks! And its not a retelling, it's just set in a particular horror/sci-fi universe. Well, I lied. The basic idea of the mother thinking her baby was a demon came from another ballad called "The Changeling" (whose author's name escapes me at the moment) but in that poem Jesus eventually helps her see that it's not a demon, but a baby. Here, there's less Jesus and more demon.
Comments 7
It's a retelling of a story of the same nature?
And its not a retelling, it's just set in a particular horror/sci-fi universe. Well, I lied. The basic idea of the mother thinking her baby was a demon came from another ballad called "The Changeling" (whose author's name escapes me at the moment) but in that poem Jesus eventually helps her see that it's not a demon, but a baby. Here, there's less Jesus and more demon.
Cthulhu smiles while checking his internets.
I want a smiling Cthulhu plushie.
:o NO PLUSHIE FOR YOU. Maybe a Nyalarthotep.
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