Jun 06, 2010 02:03

[Slightly after the dance, let's say a day. His voice is hoarse but he sounds more like himself. He is, of course, smoking, and that can be heard over the audio.]

I've got t'say, that last event was somethin' I could've done without. When the mansion isn't bein' completely insane it's downright cruel. Here I thought I'd lost a friend but it seems the mansion just doesn't let her prey go easy, so it's good t'have him back.

I'm not sure what all most've you saw, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. I hope I didn't scare anybody too badly, if they took a moment in their own psychotic breakdowns t'see. [He almost sounds amused.]

Workin' on some more Plasmids. If anyone'd like t'be a guinea pig, I'd love t'have you along. Let's see what we can pull out'a this closet, huh? [He does sound amused. Huzzah!]

I'd like t'know how the dance went. I would've gone but I'm not a ball kind've guy.

eway: elaine, omgplasmid!, +eway, much better now, +audio, eway: iceland, goddamnthismansion, never have i ever stopped smoking, post-event, eway: allen, eway: oswald, eway: gokudera, sorryforthespamohgod, eway: jack

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