Puffi's Hetalia Meme

Sep 02, 2009 00:04

Hello there everyone! :D Thank you very much for letting me join :)

The Nations I chose were:

1) Prussia
2) Germany
3) Romano
4) England
5) France
6) Russia
7) America
8) Latvia
9) Austria
10) Switzerland
11) Poland
12) Lithuania

A) Have you read a France and Switzerland fic before?

Why no >:D Are you offering, perchance?

B) Do you think Romano is hot? How hot?

1. He’s a screwable tsundere

2. He has quite a big mouth on him, and it’s so easy to get him flustered and fired up- ohohoho


4. He has a tomato kink and an erogenous zone.

So yes. I do think he is hot >:D

C) What would happen if Russia got Prussia pregnant?

FFFFFFFFffff Russia and a pregnant Prussia? BWAHAHAHAHAH. Hogod… hogod the pain… in my gut… so funny… AHAHAHAHAH.

*rolls on floor, laughing*

Okay, here’s what I think - I think that Prussia would think that he’s the awesomest guy ever, since he’s the only male nation who could get pregnant (hopefully he’s wrong on that aspect~). Prussia would totally be pissed at Russia at first but then finds out that Ivan is actually a caring, yet creepy, dude who’s a potential family man and who caters to his ever needs.

His fantasy of being AN AWESOME KING satisfied, he turns Ivan into his MANSLAVE where they occasionally partake in S&M activities.

The kid arrives into the world~ and ah. Prussia would totally be proud of his AWESOME family (plus a big lumbering manslave), while Russia would just be glad that he has a family to help him twist the other nations’ faces and turn them all under mother Russia’s loving doom care. Prussia becomes one with Russia, and they all become one, big, psychotic family of AWESOME.


D) Do you recall any good fics about Austria?
Why yess~ it involved Hungary fingering Austria… and another where he gets to wear a maid costume…

(I’d get links for these but the Hetalia Comm is too big and it might take me a whole century to actually find em xDD)

E) Would America and Germany make a good couple?

Ooh… let’s see what my head cooks up, eh?

America would constantly try to ‘save’ Germany from whatever, but Germany really doesn’t need any ‘saving’ (it was only a spot of dust on his shelf… he thought the fire extinguisher was too much, especially). Germany would end up saving America from whatever crackpotted schemes England cooks up against America, but doesn’t mind if America thought he was the one who did the saving.

Germany would try to mix Hamburgers and wurst together and makes a strange hotdog/hamburger hybrid. He will love McDonald’s French fries. A lot. And remembers the time when America used them during their foreplay.

America tops, by the way.

And they use food kink with sausages and burgers during their play tiem, too.

F) England/Latvia or England/Austria?
Letsee… a pairing that has pedoEngland who would prove that he’s a very bad daddy with a fragile Latvia!uke… or a pairing with uber poofiness ; of tea and mozart, with a tsundere ex-pirate and an aristocratic richboy who has a penchant for manipulation…


G) What would happen if America found out that Romano and Latvia were having a secret relationship?
He’d go LOLHAHAHNICETRY, call in the white coats, and drag you to a mental hospital while ignoring Romano and Latvia totally having an UNF in his broom closet.

H) Make a summary of at least 20 words, involving Germany and Russia.

It seemed like a complicated relationship with lots of angst, hurt, and more angst… but Germany knew better than the other nations.

Russia was one hot bottom.


I) Is there such a thing as a England/Switzerland romantic, fluff story?
Well it would if the fic began with a nice, calm conversation (in England’s home, of course) about weapons - England with his knowledge of swords, and Switzerland with his knowledge of guns.

Of course, it’ll end up with Swizterland using his Glock .45 on England’s ass. There goes the fluff.

J) Suggest a title for a Prussia/France comfort/hurt fic.
“How to Perform Flawless Comfort Sex in Six Easy Steps”

What? Well we ARE talking about cheering France up, da?

K) What kind of plot would you use for a Romano/Poland fic?

Romano would be all jealous about Poland’s relationship with his little brother. He buys Poland a pony, to make sure that Poland KNEW that he WAS Italy after all… and country relations didn’t just extend towards North Italy.

Poland, however, mistakes it as a marriage proposal and happily says yes to a very confused Romano.

Romano would have to deal with Poland!bridezilla while explaining to all the shocked nations that, no, he did NOT know that Poland would consider getting a pony from a random nation would be considered a marriage proposal.

They get married.

Poland tops.

L) Does anyone on your friends list read America het? What about Austria slash?

What is this… ‘het’ that you speak of?

And slash… yuh. *snort* riiight, dude.

M) If you wrote a song fic about Austria, which song would you use?
I would use Chopin’s Nocturne for Violin and Piano for a serious fic…

Aaand probably the Libertango for when France SURPRISEBUTTRAEPS him.

N) If you wrote a Germany/Romano/Russia fic, what would the warnings be?
Warning: Fic many contain BDSM, profanity, violence, blood play, rape, water sports, mpreg, pregnancy rape/sex, violence, threesome, orgy, food play, drunkenness, unethical use of food, humiliation, begging, crossdressing, mirror, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pole dancing, asses, butt pinching, manipulation, mind fucking, angst, and lots and lots of crack.

O) What pick-up line might Latvia use on France?




P) CHALLENGE: Write a SHORT fic for Switzerland and Latvia:

(Warning! Kinky and probably OC Switzu)

Switzerland couldn’t take it anymore.

It was fine being all intimidating to others. He loved to watch the other nations flinch whenever he would point one of his shotguns in their faces. He loved showing off his sniper range rifles, collection of old-school tommy guns, flintlocks, machine guns, assault rifles, Ak 45’s, rocket launchers, and a wide array of bullets of varying sizes. Switzerland loved the way they squeaked in fear, when they would run away from the nozzle of his smoking 9mm or Desert Eagle, when they would just shudder. One little shudder was enough to make him come in his pants.

The easily afraid and meek Latvia was a foreplay partner come true.

Q) What would happen if America walked in on Germany and Lithuania having sex?

He would ask Germany if he could borrow the frying pan and nipple clamps, please? Since the burgers were falling apart and he needs something to keep them together.

He would also ask if he could borrow the cock ring (that was currently on Lithuania’s happy place) so that he could test it out and see if he could make perfect round burgers for his and England’s father/son barbecue.

R) What kind of plot would you use to have England de-flower Prussia?
With an invitation sent to Prussia’s blog with the words ‘ARE YOU AWESOME? WANT FREE TSUNDERE SEX? IF YOU ARE, CLICK ON THIS.’

S) Does anyone on your friends list read America slash?

Do you guys read America slash? >:D

T) Does anyone on your friends list read Romano het?
… again, what is this ‘het’ that you speak of?

Hungary hets? I don’t understand. She’s a great topper!

U) Does anyone on your friends list draw 11?

I vaguely remember a naked Poland…

Lupi usually has Romano or Latvia stuck in my head after I see one of her stuff…


V) Would you write Germany/England/France?

Yes. In fact I could write one right now:

England didn’t know who was worse: Germany with his obsession for detail and cleanliness, or France’s need for everything, and he was not just talking about the sheets here, to be dirty and chaotic.

But having them together at the same time had him speechless and awake for the rest of the night.

W) What might Switzerland scream during a moment of intense passion?


X) When was the last time you read a fic about France?

It involved him oogling a naked Canada.

Y) What is Russia’s super-secret kink?

Fluff, sweet talk, and cuddling in bed.

Z) Would Poland shag Austria? Drunk or Sober?
Sober and on a piano ;D

In fact, I remember one of my and Lupi’s convos involving a very kinky Poland and usually tightassed Austria.

AA) If Romano and America get together, who tops?
America with his amazing knowledge from his book ‘How to Break a Tsundere by Antonio’

BB) "Prussia and Austria are in a happy relationship until Austria suddenly runs off with England. Prussia, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Poland and a brief unhappy affair with Lithuania, then follows the wise advice of France and finds true love with Germany." What title would you give this fic?

“Gilbert Weillschmidt’s Blog: a humorous parody of ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary”

CC) How would you feel if America and Latvia was canon?


America would overinflate with his awesome hero-ness to save the swooning (more like stuttering) damsel in distress.

c: lithuania, rating: pg-13, c: france, c: austria, c: germany, c: romano, c: spain, author: alchemistofbing, c: england, type: meme, c: poland, c: russia, c:, c: latvia, c: prussia, c: america, c: switzerland, genre: humor

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