
Nov 10, 2004 17:41

Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

fightinwords November 11 2004, 12:57:01 UTC
I think there's a danger in demonizing conservatives the way you just did, Greg.

For every "liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leaching, confederate-flag-waving, holier-than-thou, hypocritical" Southern conservative out there, there is a snobby, let's-vacation-in-the-Hamptons-this-summer, all-Southerners-must-be-conservative-retards, St. Paul's/ Andover/ Phillips Exeter educated, I'm-gonna-fight-for-the-working-class-when-I-have-absolutely-no-concept-of-what-it-means-to-not-be-wallowing-in-money, rich ass Northeastern liberal prepetuating stereotypes the opposite way. Unfortunately, that is basically my entire school.

I don't want to preach to you, Greg, and I'm sure you don't want me to, either, but just remember that we give them reason to think just as badly of us.


honorguideme November 11 2004, 19:16:41 UTC
I was going to point something like that out, but you did so better than I would have. I'm kinda leery of anyone who believes strongly in anything at this point.


worldofgreg November 15 2004, 11:53:43 UTC
its from www.fuckthesouth.com

i thought it amusing and i wanted to share

and that is my whole school as well


baboonfarm November 12 2004, 11:05:23 UTC
Haha ... someone posted this in the umass community, too. I agree with Catherine ... in a less articulate way.

My entire school just likes to get drunk.

-Katie W.


worldofgreg November 15 2004, 11:53:13 UTC
nothing wrong with that


purplelephants November 15 2004, 17:29:08 UTC
i think we should start a "Let's get religion out of the government and back in the churches" campaign. while i agree that MAYBE some liberals are as bad as liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leaching, confederate-flag-waving, holier-than-thou, hypocrits, I greatly doubt that they even close to being as destructive....

when you're big and in politics and reshaping the democratic party to have a backbone, i think that should be your slogan... "keep religion in the church." i think it'd be catchy... and not only would you get most of the protestant vote, you'd get the atheist vote, too! yaaaaaay.


Bunch of BS anonymous November 24 2004, 02:17:21 UTC
Mahybe you should stop complaining about the blue states having to pay more taxes. They are the ones who ask for the democrats to come into office and take away our money to support the damn big government you all believe in so highly. Guess what, I am from the north and I complain about taxes to. Who the hell likes taxes??? And maybe you shouldn't criticize a whole half of the country for standing up for their values. Maybe you should consider that they don't think two guys kissing will ruin marriage, but the majority of them believe that marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman (They could care less if gay people are together). I hate to tell you the fucking truth but kerry came out and said the EXACT same thing as Bush. He would be for civil unions in all states but against gay marriage. He just wants to stop it through statutes such as your beloved Clinton. The "Defense of Marriage" Act? Ever heard of it? Probably the biggest piece of anit-gay marriage legislation ever created was signed into affect by a ( ... )


Re: Bunch of BS worldofgreg November 24 2004, 10:37:09 UTC
I applaud your courage in replying anonymously but anyways ( ... )


Re: Bunch of BS anonymous November 25 2004, 21:29:07 UTC
Haha and who is making assumptions now? Not only and I not a rich I am exactly the opposite. I have been working since I was 14 to provide things for myself. Therefore I appreciate a government that doesn't take my hard earned money and use it to support people who contiunually depend on welfare instead of rising up and fending for themselves. Even a supposedly smart minded liberal such as yourself has to realize that welfare today is not at a stage where it should be. It is out of control with fraud and giving money to people who don't deserve it. Let me ask you a question, would you like to give away part of your GPA to a student who hasn't done as well, even if they haven't put in as much effort, just to make the academic world a more fair one? Didn't think so. You refered to something in your origional entry about something begin ok, because that is the American way. Well what is more Americna then letting people keep the money they have EARNED. As for not signing my comments you have no idea who I am so what would be ( ... )


Re: Bunch of BS anonymous November 25 2004, 21:29:55 UTC
Sorry had to double post because of the space limitation they give you-

Oh well I feel i have made enough holes in your logic. Maybe I'll sum it up for you to make sure you understand. Kerry and Bush = on gay rights. Democrats want to give everyone equal rights, yet oppose gay marriage at the same time. Taxing people can only help them (Great view), by the way, wasn't it a liberal who returned welfare to the states? Kerry wants to kill babies who could survive outside the womb if given the chance.

Next time you should be nice to the republicans you see when you are crossing campus, you will probably end up working for them in the future.

Oh ya how is Tom Daschle doing? Haha the people loved him, and happy Thanksgiving, hope it isn't too much of an American concept for you.


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