I made a collage of all the available options for BE and Draenei males for a friend of mine. I figured I'd share these as well for anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to play with the alpha or the model viewer. I can do the same for the females if there's interest. :P
Blood Elf males. There are 10 of every option except hair, of which there are 11, hence the numbers. (You can't tell in the picture, but hair #4 is the spikey ponytail.)
The Draenei males were a lot more difficult. I had to break them down piece by piece because the options vary so widely (14 skin colors to 6 hair colors, for example).
FacesTentacles :P (Bare chin left out cause ... it's bare.)
Hair stylesHair colorsSkin colors I love this one, it's so colorful and artsy. :P
Edit: By popular demand. :P
BE chicasHair styles 10 of each option except hair, which has 15 so I had to do them separately. Oh, and the last one is bugged for some reason. It always appears with the model's skin instead of the correct hair texture. It's creepy. O_o Too bad too, looks like a nifty hair style.
Edit: You didn't think I'd leave out my favorite, did you? :) Draeneis just take a lot of work due to their imbalanced options. :( Now, without further ado -- Draenei chicas!
FacesHair stylesHair colorHorn stylesSkin colors