What's this section? This is basically a 'get to know you' type of thing. The only reason we are doing this is to keep people from godmodding, and to keep track of you guys, and for you to get to know the other RPers!
- Please use the given form for this.
- There is no age limit to be yourself in this part.
- Please, if you have more than one comment
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Comments 93
Name: snowangel777_16/Madison/Madi/Maddie
Age: 15
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: MSN
Email: snowangel777_16@hotmail.com
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: The first World Refugees and I played myself :D
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: Me, Myself and I.
Appearance: I'm 5'1", shoulder-length light brown hair with fading blonde highlights. I wear glasses, because without them I wouldn't be able to read anything a foot away. I like wearing baggy clothes, like hoodies and pants. I usually wear a t-shirt, a hoodie over that, baggy pants and sneakers.
Personality: I'm sarcastic and cold when around most people, but when I'm around friends or family, I'm overly cheerful and talk non-stop. I bump into people and inanimate objects a lot. I procrastinate when it comes to almost anything unless it involves money~
Family: Family, pets and friends were lost, the only people I know are fellow refugees.
Abilities, prior experience, weapons, etc. A short sword with little know-how to ( ... )
Name: Rena; hakumei_kouu
Age: 16
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: chibirenachan [AIM], chibirenachan [at] hotmail [dot] com [MSN]
Email: chibirenakun [at] charter [dot] net
Previous RPs, and the character that you played:
Rena and Aoi - corrupted_dawn
Sora - kh_waterworld
Sora and Demyx - outside [KHInsider-based] roleplay on LJ
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: Just me!
Appearance: Rena is pale-skinned with shoulder length, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She's 5'5 and has a semi-stocky build, while being on the thin and fit side. Normally wears a baggy (normally black) t-shirt, baggy black pants, and black sneakers.
Personality: Rena is a very curious, optimistic, bright [though is naive], and quirky person. She's normally a very shy person around new people and isn't very outgoing, but can be very hyper normally. She's also a complete and utter geek, a strange and bizarre tomboy, and dreams, and wishes, way too much.
Family: Though she only has to worry about the location of her mom and dad, she had found ( ... )
Name: [Your personal LJ, and what you would like to be called] anthraxpretzelsPretzels
Age: 16
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: Essence of Empty(AIM)/anthraxpretzels@hotmail.com
Email: zelasaa@yahoo.com
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: Olette at Parisa City
Appearance: [What you look like!] I am about 5’4” and stocky, and am Asian, with shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. I generally prefer to run around in jeans/capris and a T-shirt, but skirts are fine, too.
Personality: I’d say that I have a pretty active imagination, but am rather perceptive of what’s going on and what people feel and such. I have a good sense of humor to most things, but when insulted I have a short temper, and tend to say things that I might not mean, and probably will regret later. Sometimes I ramble on about what’s on my mind at the moment, and I tend to be thinking about a lot of things at a time.
Family: [Please list any family/pets that have survived and are with you] None, though I did pick up a kitten in ( ... )
About you
Name: ladybrighid3333, Emmy
Age: 19
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: sanuraausbloom,sanuraausbloom@yahoo.com,dragon_koneko356,493330758
Email: sanuraausbloom@yahoo.com/ehryniewi@gmail.com
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: way too many to list
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: me
Appearance: I'm short and I have dark brown hair with red highlights that's roughly shoulder length and dark chocolate brown eyes. I wear glasses that are frequently skewed to the right--thanks to falling asleep wearing them--something that's become a hard habit to break and I wear an old blue dress from Ingary primarily, though I have a few other outfits in my possession(my goldenrod golden phoenix masquerade costume, my clothes from Earth-That-Was/Is, and a tattered boy's outfit from Ingary)
( ... )
Name: hyperpsyche/Lauren or Ren
Age: 20
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: animegal810, AIM
Email: juun1sh1@uga.edu
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: Myself in WR1, various characters in various small RPs
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: Just me, myself, and I
Appearance: I've got dark brown, just past shoulder-length hair that gets split ends way too easily, blue/gray/green eyes, and I switch between wearing contacts or glasses (though lately, I've been wearing glasses a lot more). I also have mild psoriasis, most notably on my elbows and eyelid. I'm not adverse to dressing up, but most of the time, I wear blue jeans, a pretty shirt or sweater, and some jewelry.
Personality: I'm a little too introverted for my own good a lot of the time, too busy daydreaming or just plain spacing out to pay attention to what's being said at the moment. I'm actually quite excitable and cheerful once you get to know me, but I'm also prone to fretting about things that are out of my ( ... )
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