The time has finally come: It's January 15th, just past midnight in my timezone, and since this is an international challenge, that's as good a time to start as any.
Please remember that all works that belong together have to be posted together. So if there's artwork or a podfic to go with your story or a fanmix to go with your artwork, everything has to be linked in your post here.
For posting, use the following template and erase the points that don't apply:
Title: TITLEAuthor/Artist:
Additional work/works: TYPE OF WORK by (OPTIONAL)
Title: Dean Hates Airplanes
Author: worldwide-spn
Beta: vail-kagami
Country: Swizerland
Type: Fic
Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up to 5.16
Warnings: violence, character death
Summary: Despite his mortal fear of planes, Sam drags Dean on a trip to Europe. But Dean's phobia is the least of their problems when it turns out the plane is haunted by the ghosts of 36 dead pilots (and one rabbit).
Additional works: Fanmix by worldwide-spn and Art by me.
If you post banners or previews of your artwork, please don't have them be more than 450 pixles in width. Also, I created a couple of tags. Please use them, and let me know if you need any that are missing so I can add them.