so obviously im home from france now. its been like 4 days. but it seems so much longer. it was so hard to leave, and im not sure i would have been able to if it werent for what we decided we were going to do long term
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My love my love my loooooooooooove :)xguitarheroMarch 26 2005, 13:50:38 UTC
awwwwwwwwwww that was by far the best month of my life too pfff really by far! and i was sooooooo happy to talk about the future like that with you omg that made me so happy even if at the same time i knew you had to leave in few hours but to talk about it, hear what you said was really really really so good.awwww and i felt so bad to see you sick like that in the morning :( i really thought that was cause you were stressed to leave or something like that... there was no other reason to be sick so i really felt back i wanted to cry so bad to see you like that...oh and about what your mom did and said omg that touched me soooooooo freakin much seriously i couldn't believe it!!!! :) ahah now we know we just have to wait, and well be together soon and for a loooooooooooooooong time then!!! ;) i love you so incredibly much jess so much so much ♥
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