So, what now?

Apr 21, 2012 22:44

Now the first challenge is over, it's time to decide what to do next. There are several ways this community could go, and I don't want to decide that on my own, since it concerns you, too. So here are the options:


The question goes not only to the members but to everyone interested in this comm.

!modpost, !poll

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Comments 6

rince1wind April 21 2012, 21:54:41 UTC
I voted for (3) but I was torn between it and (2) and I was kind of interested in (1). The only choice I didn't like was (4).


vail_kagami April 21 2012, 22:05:51 UTC
I think 3 is a good compromise between 1 and 2. :)


888mph April 21 2012, 22:09:37 UTC
I voted (2) because I wasn't sure if (3) meant it would stay themed.


vail_kagami April 21 2012, 22:13:32 UTC
Sorry for the confusion. Yes, it would stay themed in that case, the answer ws just getting too long.


salty_catfish April 21 2012, 23:10:47 UTC
I really like the idea of having a place that collects fanworks for this theme and I also want the challenge to continue, so I voted 3.


vail_kagami April 25 2012, 12:25:01 UTC
Looks like that's what it's going to be. It's my favourite option, too, so I'm happy. :)


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