so apart from getting my money and hannahs fone stolen and jesses brakes not working my weekend was so good i dont think any weekend will live up to it again. just hope i see you know who agian *so cute* and i prob should not be as socially retarted when im sober as what i am i think i relised i must be way cooler when drunk.
live journal says. You rpassword is too easy to guess please change it. otherwise you run the risk of your livejournal being hijacked. hahahhahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahaha
i miss him lots i wont tell you who but i miss im he made me feel happy and he was always so full of cuteness and cuddles. i miss hangouts with him a lot.and i want my band to happpen i should have organised it myself
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*Dan has girlfriend and therefore..the emails have stopped since a week ago and i shouldnt send any more or hell think im crazy in love with him
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so everyone had something to do last weekend i see.not me not me. and ive decided i want to be a tattoo artist and my dad even thinks its a good idea. this means great things
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