(no subject)

Jan 31, 2003 19:11

Simple Plan Mood Themes;
For paid users use only.

1. Save this file to your desktop (right-click, save as): spmoods.txt.
2. Go here: Admin Console (right click and click on "open in new window" so you can finish reading the instructions)
3. In the box, enter: moodtheme_create "SimplePlan" "SPMoods" and then click "execute". (remember to remove the quotations)
4. The next page says, "Success. Your new moodthemeid=#." This number is very important, so jot it down. Don't close this window!
5. Open spmoods.txt.
6. Change all of the "2918" to that number you jotted down earlier.
7. Go back to the browser window you left open. In the box under where it gave you your mood icon set number, copy and paste all the codes from gcmoodthemes.txt. (remember that all the 2918 should be changed to your number). Click "execute".
8. If you did everything correctly (and if I explained it all right) the page should say, "Data Inserted" over and over. If something went wrong, it'll say, "Failed! You do not own this theme!" If that happens, check over the text for unneeded spaces and try it again. It SHOULD work.
9. Now that you've got your new mood theme all inserted and such, you should go here.
10. In the drop down menu where you usually pick your mood theme, choose "SimplePlan". It's at the end of the list.
11. Click "Save Changes".

Mood themes made by worstdayever.

Thank you dontwannabeyou for allowing me to use these directions. You don't have to, but I'd like comments so I'd know who is using my mood theme. This is so that when, if it needs to be moved due to bandwidth, I will know where to place them.
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