Jun 18, 2007 18:36
Having a tan, all be it a minor one, makes me feel kinda dirty.
It's like I'm betraying my pal the moon by letting my skin cavort with the sun.
May 25, 2007 23:51
It's 62 degrees where I am.
How'd you enjoy your 105 degree day?
Wah ha ha ha ha!
Georgia Rules!
May 15, 2007 08:55
Now who's got a day off, bitches?!
Answer: It's me : )
May 13, 2007 07:13
Why is it that anything you want worth having is always gotten at someone else's expense?
May 07, 2007 09:35
Is anyone not working today?
I would be most interested in doing something if there is.
May 02, 2007 07:13
I just keep repeating to myself "Just get through today, then tomorrow" like a half-dead mantra.
Today, then tomorrow.
Today, then tomorrow.
Today, then tomorrow...
Apr 27, 2007 08:57
I really wanted to sleep in today.
In fact, when I woke up I was pretty sure I had.
But 8 isn't sleeping in. 8 is crap!
Apr 24, 2007 07:48
...because you never know when you're going to inadvertantly see someone's panties.
Your -V-phorism for the day.