Death Knights = LOVE

Nov 13, 2008 23:56

OMG! I am in love with the Death Knight class! So far, not one death and I've made it to Outland and have started some Thrallmar quests. =) Seriously, it's too much fun! I even had a chance to try RPing my character tonight, thanks to the lovely hagiel for hanging out a bit. The only disappointing thing witht he Death Knights are:
(1) The fact you have to start at 0 for all professions other than First Aid, which you already get.
(2) The fact that you have to have a level 55 on the server before you can play a Death Knight. I had thought I'd hook up with a friend on Scarlet Crusade with my Death Knight. I got the book and started reading while it was installing and saw that you must have 1 level 55+ on the server to make it. Boo. Oh well.

I have another friend on Moon Guard who said he's going to help me with my RPing and try to help me get over being shy with role-play. See, although I've been RPing for over 10 years on text based mediums and chat rooms, I have not had a whole lot of experience with RPing in WoW. I love role-playing, and so I want to get good at it in game. Also, I would love to walk into a city and have people to just randomly chat with. So maybe it'll work.

My goal for tomorrow when I log in? Get Styleen exalted with the Netherwings and buy her the Netherwing Drake. I want to go to Northrend and get Styleen the Explorer title and finish up the achievement "For all the squirrels I've loved" .. or whatever that achievement is called haha. There's the 2 toads I must /love in Northrend. I may even go ahead and tame a Rhino or other Northrend animal for kicks. I'll probably go and level my Death Knight too.

I'm not sure what professions I should get for Xaylia (my Death Knight). Jewelcrafting and Mining, Engineering and Mining, or Blacksmithing and Mining? I'm sort of leaning towards Engineering for a couple reasons. I'd love to be able to make the Helicopter and the Motorcycle. Also, I've never done it before, not to any length, so it could be good fun. Mining should be fairly easy to power level. I'm not sure what else would be good. I'm not in any real rush to level my Death Knight. She's just fun right now. So I can take the time to level up the professions. I'm also thinking of taking up fishing, and maybe cooking - although I power leveled cooking on Sty and don't really want to do that again lol.

So what do you guys think? Would you mind answering my poll? Also, if you could please let me know in the comments why you suggested what you did? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Poll Professions for my Death Knight


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