in this dream of life and death, i know so much i will forget...
[Everything sentient dreams, and everything that dreams on Azeroth dreams somewhere within that one Dream composed by the Titans when they first shaped the world. Even the most alien of beings, from Old Gods to soul-draining runeblades, touched some tiny corner of the Emerald Dream,
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Comments 24
I love how we just supply every Quentin QQ who wanders in soaking wet and babbling things about the latest random-ass emergency - lives at stake? Really? That never happen here. You should be the town barker with all the fucking newsflashes you've got, elf.
[She launches a Flame Shock across the room at some guests she has deemed to be doing something unruly and shouts something resembling "CUT IT OUT!" in Orcish before stomping back to the kitchen to see if the crazy Forsaken's stuff can be packed to travel.
Fev might also get a rather blotchy banana winged at his head, presumably for eating.]
He's a druid! In terms of things that don't come from animals, that IS the good stuff! That and like...jam. Uh....
[Nash comes back with some muffins and the aforementioned jam. There is a dull knife for spreading lodged in one of the muffins - it appears to be at least mostly clean.]
If you think I'm going to make jamwiches for you, you have another thing coming.
[There wasn't much bite in that - at least not much that was sincere. Here: have some noms.]
I've found a way to free his soul from Fr--from the runeblade. I--hope, anyway.
[There is a death knight in the corner, all too willing to join in. The week or so of a relentless storms has not been pleasant. The inn's stockpile of food and drink - he stopped partaking of those several days ago to preserve the supplies - may still hold, but it didn't account for one minor detail.
Well, arguably it did, and the need to kill to hold off the painful torment would be amply supplied by the crowd of trapped denizens, but he had his doubts about said supply's appreciation of the situation.
So, things weren't going so well in the life of Krenyn Bloodflame. Give you three guesses on the two reasons why he's volunteering and the first two don't count.]
You better come back safe, you hear me? Because I am NOT launching a rescue mission to wherever it is you're going just to rescue your scrawny elfy behind.
...And be careful. Just 'cause you're dead doesn't mean you can't die again.
The key difference between friend and hated enemy is in how rotten the fruit may be at the time, you see.]
I promise I will return. [Taking the time to cross the room, he seeks to place the banana back into Sabette's hands.] Keep your strength up, until I do.
[She shrugs her good shoulder and refuses to take the banana back.]
Hey, you keep it. I've got enough to go by. And you never know! You could get the munchies on the road. That happens to me all the time!
And if it's not too much to ask... can you bring me back a road trip gift? Or at least a good story. I'll accept a good story as payment for the banana.
As the saying goes, though, beggars can't be choosers. And in this particular instance, for this particular foe, there could be no more knowledgeable allies than a pair of death knights.]
Your help will be indispensable, sir death knight.
[Sidereal points at Koltira with a ragged claw.] I like the way you think.
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