Title: 'That story is not true'
Day/Theme: Feb. 16 - "Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss"
Series: Woxin changdan/The Great Revival
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian, Fan Li, Wen Zhong
Spoilers: end of series
Title from Stesichorus'
Palinode for Helen, only the first three lines of which survive in Plato's dialogue the Phaedrus (/pedantry.) Also
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Comments 9
But one wishes it were. Lovely.
1. That's weird. Maybe I have to actually create the tage before they can be used.
2. Okay.
The story that isn't true is the one in the series. ^_^ 'Fan Li doesn't go off with Xi Shi because Xi Shi was never a real person' = 'Menelaus didn't sail off with Helen but only the false appearance of Helen' = 'It wasn't the real Daji who did all those nasty things, it was a nine-tailed fox spirit.'
(Thanks. Much faster now.)
Err...I thought the idea was that she was never even *in* Troy (like Xi Shi never existed and hence was able to appear to everyone as their own ideas of ideal women), hence the Trojan War was fought over a phantom and emphasizing the futility of war and its purpose the glory and property of men rather than a chivalrous defence of a woman's honour etc etc etc (but am probably remembering the wrong thing.)
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