List of Woxin Fan Fiction

Feb 29, 2008 21:02

Many of these are responses to 31_days' February 2008 prompts

Organised by author.


Fic List as of 26 February 2008

Title: a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy
Day/Theme: Tues Feb. 26 - "We deceive ourselves"
Character/Pairing: Wen Zhong


Title: New Year Song for Wen Zhong
Characters/Pairing: Wen Zhong

Title: The lion I am proud to hunt
Day/Theme: February 1: "Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?"
Characters/Pairing: Gou Jian, Fu Chai
Words: 200

Title: The king, the king's to blame!
Day/Theme: February 3: "Hell hath no limits"
Characters/Pairing: Tang Li, Hei Yi

Title: Learning Curve
Day/Theme: February 8: "Accursed be he that first invented war"
Characters/Pairing: Helu, Wu Zi Xu, Gou Jian

Title: Had we ne'er lov'd sae kindly
Day/Theme: February 9/ Yet let me kiss my lord before I die
Character/Pairing: Fan Li, Gou Jian

Title: Sad Stories
Day/Theme: Feb. 12 - "The sweet fruition of an earthly crown"
Character/Pairing: Prince Bo of Wu

Title: When the chips are down
Day/Theme: Feb. 15 - "Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position"
Character/Pairing: Fan Li/ Xi Shi
Word count: 100

Title: 'That story is not true'
Day/Theme: Feb. 16 - "Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss"
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian, Fan Li, Wen Zhong
Spoilers: end of series

Title: Infinite riches
Day/Theme: Feb. 18 - "Infinite riches in a little room"
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian, Fan Li
Spoilers: err- ep 30-something?

Title: A little seasoning
Day/Theme: Tue Feb. 19 - "And every creature shall be purified"
Character/Pairing: Fu Chai, Bo Pi
Spoilers: ep 18ish specifically, but general commentary

Title: The Way to a Man's Heart
Day/Theme: Wed Feb. 20 - "Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars"
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian, Fu Chai
Spoilers: Ep 26

Title: Long-term Relationship
Day/Theme: February 21/ "Love me little, love me long"
Character/Pairing: Fu Chai, Gou Jian
Spoilers: Whole series, eps 18-> specifically

Title: The Deserts of the Heart
Day/Theme: Feb. 22 - "My heart is hardn'd, I cannot repent"
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian, Ya Yu
Spoilers: Eps 18 to end

Title: "Simply the thing I am shall make me live"
Day/Theme: Mon Feb. 25 - "What are kings, when regiment is gone?"
Character/Pairing: Gou Jian
Spoilers: ep 20 on

Title: A Bouquet of Ministers
Day/Theme: Tues Feb. 26 - "We deceive ourselves"
Character/Pairing: Wen Zhong, Bo Pi, Wu Zi Xu
Spoilers: Ep 18 on

Title: Flow Charts
Day/Theme: Weds Feb. 27 - "What shall I do to shun the snares of death?"
Character/Pairing: Fan Li
Spoilers: ep 30 on

Title: And call upon my soul within the house
Day/Theme: Fri Feb. 29 - "Come give me my soul again."
Character/Pairing: Oh who do you *think*?
Spoilers: Ep 39-40


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