Okay folks, lately there have been a lot of questions about the mages and even though I am not a mod (conversely mods, if anything is wrong here, let me know) I did secure permission from them to do a post on the subject.
As far as I am aware, here are our magic teachers:
1) YenSid. Magic: Fire Tree, Blizzard Tree, Gravety Tree, Aero Tree, Cure Tree, Thunder Tree, Stop Tree. Status: Free for a student. Feel free to contact me at Anzila86 to discuss training, although I'm pretty open when it comes to letting make your own lesson plans. Location: YenSid's Tower.
2) Queen Minnie. Magic: Cure Tree, Reflect Tree. Status: It is my understanding the Queen will be holding a group training session. You should contact Emmy (see her post a couple posts below mine) for details. Location: Disney Castle.
3) Enchantress. Magic: Fire Tree, Thunder Tree, Blizzard Tree, Magnet Tree, Aero Tree, Cure Tree, Stop Tree. Status: She is free. Since no one plays her it will be her student's job to NPC her. You will also need a ride to her planet. Location: Beast's Castle
4) Aerith. Magic: Cure Tree, Reflect Tree, Life. Status: Currently teaching Fox, will likely be free next week. Contact Ray to set things up. Location: Hollow Bastion.
5) Merlin. Magic: Fire Tree, Thunder Tree, Blizzard Tree, Gravety Tree, Cure Tree. Status: Unknown. Merlin-mun appears to be missing in action, so I think its best to defer to the Mods on how to handle this. Location: Hollow Bastion
6) Cheshire Cat. Magic: Fire Tree, Blizzard Tree, Thunder Tree, Aero Tree. Status: Is currently training Brandon until the end of the week. I would like to do another week with him, but if you wish to work with him instead please contact me. I have a lot of magic, and I feel people without any should get priority. Location: Wonderland usually. Currently on Hollow Bastion.
7) Riku. Magic: Dark. Status: No student. Contact Carly to arrange things. Just a warning, Riku is very picky about his students. Location: Unknown. He moves a lot.
8) Axel. Magic: Fire Tree. Status: No student. Contact Ryune to set something up (However, if her IM tells you she is working, don't contact her.) Location: Hollow Bastion I believe, but he moves around a lot.
Okay, now that that is out of the way here are the basics:
1) It takes one week to learn a spell, and you have to start with the first level and work your way up. For example: Jeff wants to learn Flare. He goes to YenSid, and studies one week to learn Fire, a second week to learn Fira, a third week to learn Firaga, and a final week to learn Flare.
2) The rate that spells are learned can be accelerated with special training, but this is very dangerous, and therefore the magic teachers shouldn't offer it unless there are extreme circumstances (such as having to rescue Sora in a week). Furthermore, Magic teachers, make sure the training is VERY difficult, to reflect the danger involved in gaining power so fast.
3) Aside from Minne, the other teachers will currently only take one student at a time, although YenSid could be persuaded to take two if they learn the same thing, and really argue their case.
Magic Trees are as follows:
Special Note: Fourth tier magic is very powerful, and therefore requires some specialization on your part. This means that you can only learn one. For example: Once Jeff learns Flare, he can no longer learn Ultima or Comet. So please, choose wisely.
Chii and I decided at the beginning of WR2 that mana does not build up fast enough to learn the level four spells (Ultima, Comet, Holy, Whirlwind, Flare, etc). Therefore, IF YOU WERE NOT IN THE FIRST WR, YOU CANNOT LEARN SECOND LEVEL MAGIC IN WR2.
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Life is also a special case. You need to have at least Curaga to learn it and to talk to Aerith.
Finally, some of the more advanced Ref's have amassed enough knowledge to teach basic level spells only. They are as follows: Ryuu-Fire, Ryune-Cure, Aya-Blizzard, Brandon-Blizzard and Thunder. Please note if you train with another Ref, your spells will take longer and more work to perfect, and will be a bit less powerful until you do, seeing as none of us have the experience of the full magic instructors.
That's all I can think of at the moment. If you have suggestions or questions, comment to this entry and I'll try to edit it. Also, Mods, let me know if you want me to change or add anything please.