So i get this random message on myspace.. from Rake Yohn's profile
if you dont remember who that is it's Bam's hairy metal minion.
the message said that it was his manager, asking for my screen name.
Im guessing he got it off of my profile cause i got home from aaron's and he IMd me
Dennyonthenet: hey
ForeverIsxMyName: hi
Dennyonthenet: this is alien...rake's manager
ForeverIsxMyName: oh yeah i read your message
Dennyonthenet: love back though
ForeverIsxMyName: sorry i checked it at a friends house lol
ForeverIsxMyName: no time to respond
Dennyonthenet: all good
ForeverIsxMyName: so.. rakes manager
ForeverIsxMyName: this is random
Dennyonthenet: no shit
Dennyonthenet: sorry
ForeverIsxMyName: nah random is good
ForeverIsxMyName: why do you think i love CKY
ForeverIsxMyName: lol
Dennyonthenet: aha
Dennyonthenet: cool
Dennyonthenet: seeen the videos?
ForeverIsxMyName: have all the movies, plus haggard, plus every season of bam
Dennyonthenet: im in haggard too
Dennyonthenet: remember the black and white scene on the train?
ForeverIsxMyName: yeah
Dennyonthenet: im one of the soldiers...
Dennyonthenet: with the shades on
Dennyonthenet: chase dunn at the end of the scene
ForeverIsxMyName: ha i'll have to watch it again its been a while
Dennyonthenet: k
Dennyonthenet: lol
ForeverIsxMyName: it's pretty much my favorite movie though
Dennyonthenet: cool
Dennyonthenet: your name?
ForeverIsxMyName: Mauri
Dennyonthenet: im den
ForeverIsxMyName: whats crackalackin
Dennyonthenet: nada....gone to bed someday i hope! u?
ForeverIsxMyName: lol
ForeverIsxMyName: same
ForeverIsxMyName: just got home
Dennyonthenet: partyn?
ForeverIsxMyName: nah just chillin
Dennyonthenet: cool
ForeverIsxMyName: i partied too hard last week lol
Dennyonthenet: ur what? 19?
ForeverIsxMyName: yep
Dennyonthenet: im 25
Dennyonthenet: see my pic?
ForeverIsxMyName: no you emailed me through rakes profile lol
Dennyonthenet: im in his pics
ForeverIsxMyName: are you the tall guy
ForeverIsxMyName: or the other one
Dennyonthenet: ya
Dennyonthenet: tall
ForeverIsxMyName: true
ForeverIsxMyName: so why'd you message me
Dennyonthenet: u stuck out i guess
ForeverIsxMyName: nice
Dennyonthenet: ya
ForeverIsxMyName: whats new
Dennyonthenet: not much recently
Dennyonthenet: sryy im abore but ima lil tired
Dennyonthenet: :-(
ForeverIsxMyName: its alright
ForeverIsxMyName: i dont have much to talk about either
ForeverIsxMyName: im just glad i work night shift tomorrow
Dennyonthenet: got a shitload of rake and dico pics....;-)
Dennyonthenet: bams house
Dennyonthenet: whateever
ForeverIsxMyName: badass
ForeverIsxMyName: if i ever met that crew i could die happy the next day
Dennyonthenet: come up to philly sometime
ForeverIsxMyName: im sure i will once i save up some money
Dennyonthenet: lol...roadtrip is cheap!
ForeverIsxMyName: not for a 19 yr old in college
ForeverIsxMyName: lol
Dennyonthenet: true
Dennyonthenet: i'll western union it!
Dennyonthenet: lol
ForeverIsxMyName: haha
Dennyonthenet: anyway, take my cell to keep in touch
Dennyonthenet: i text al the time
ForeverIsxMyName: me too. im on aim more though
Dennyonthenet: k
Dennyonthenet: 4846785456
ForeverIsxMyName: sweet
ForeverIsxMyName: thanks for .. noticing that i stick out?
ForeverIsxMyName: lol
Dennyonthenet: not a prob
Dennyonthenet: ur cute
ForeverIsxMyName: i try
Dennyonthenet: sorry it seems so random
ForeverIsxMyName: it really is though
ForeverIsxMyName: lol
ForeverIsxMyName: rake's manager
ForeverIsxMyName: talking to a random chick from florida
Dennyonthenet: u like iron maiden?
ForeverIsxMyName: no i just wear the shirt like a silly poser
ForeverIsxMyName: ;>
Dennyonthenet: sexy
Dennyonthenet: see the lettering on the tour van?
Dennyonthenet: ;-)
ForeverIsxMyName: ya lol
ForeverIsxMyName: nice