*John walks out into the hall, checking to be sure that his room key is still in his pocket before closing the door. He affixes as foamboard memoboard that's half white board (blue marker attached with a string) and half corkboard. (five airplane shaped push pins in a neat line at the top awaiting memos to hold)*
Top of the board says:1.) Knock
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Comments 80
Colorado Springs Survivors Support Group.
Drunken orgy Sleep-over.
The New Suite 239-240.
Sometime Friday until whenever we get tired of getting drunk.
Because it's an order dammit it's an order dammit.
( ... )
I'm gonna be running out in a few, but expect me back around 9 p.m. CDT
(OOC: the mun needs to change locations - drive out to the suburbs - but will log back on as soon as she gets there.)
See you then, just come on in and try not to get blinded by any nudity you see.
[OOC: That's only 7 my time, no worries. I'll make a Dorm Post soon starting the not!party.]
Man, it's been a long week. I could use a party stiff drink social event to help me unwind. Looking forward to it.
Anyway, look me up another time. Maybe we can go out while Cam's in class or something. Just promise me that I won't end up wearing whatever you drink. especially if it's overly fruity and involves a little paper umbrella
If I spilled it on you I'd find fun ways to clean it up. OMG, Valentine what the hell are you thinking? *rolls eyes* At least it's more like you. Why would I do that? I hate you, remember? But, if I decide I hate something else more than you, I'll message.
[OOC: *laughing* She really doesn't hate him. She actually finds him enormously amusing.]
And about that hating thing... yeah, you get back to me on that. (rolls eyes)
[ooc: these two so have a six-year-old crush on each other. "I like you a lot, so I'm gonna pull your hair and put ants in your lunchbox."]
Rodney couldn't kick your ass if he had a P-90. Not that I care one way or another. Like me or don't like me, Rodney doesn't figure.
[ooc: one of the few, the proud, non-S/M slashers for Atlantis]
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