MGM has put up the EXTRA interview segment with Joe Flanigan at This was filmed during the season 4 episode "Harmony." Jerry Penacoli of the infotainment show EXTTRA! talks to Joe about Stargate Atlantis, the perks and drawbacks and the Sheppard action figure.
Over 90 screencaps under the cut. GRAPHIC INTENSIVE.
Joe etalks about confiding 'secrets' of season 4, such as the introduction of Sheppard's ex-wife ("Outcast").
Aw, come on, everybody wants a photo of a clipboard, right? ;)
On the set of "Harmony."
On the location shoot for "Harmony."
Joe explains they're on the planet "British Columbia.'" He notes that most of the planets look 'strikingly famliar.'
Jerry mentions that Sheppard is the 'action hero' of the show.
Which is tougher for Joe: the action scenes or the love scenes?
"I don't get enough love scenes," he deadpans.
Joe jokingly talks about "Amazon women" and "kirking." Says "He's (Sheppard) is not 'Captain Kirking' it enough. He should be, kind of, Amazon women and things like that."
Joe says action scenes are fun because you can get "awfully sedentary" working on a TV show.
Working 12-14 hour days....
Jason and Joe run around a corner.
"The action shots are really kind of fun."
Toughest part of action shots is not having rehearsal time.
Joe says he’s not one of those disciplinarian kinds of guy who can do all the kung fu stuff, so instead he just whips out the gun and shoots the bad guy.
OKAY, going to put the rest of the photos in the next post located