Title: A Piece of Ryshcate
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Wraiths take on a mission that's not all it seems to be.
Notes: Written for
ladielazarus, who basically wanted something with multiple characters. Thanks to
age and
alison_sky for the beta! Oh, and Wes is my main muse, so feel free to blame everything on him. I do. ;)
There was something about the look on Wedge’s face that told Wes that now was not the time for his usual witty remarks and less than mature behavior. A lot of people may not have noticed anything different when they looked at the man sitting behind the makeshift desk, but Wes had worked with him long enough to see the little signs that meant something was wrong. It was in the way that Wedge’s jaw was set, and a certain light in his eyes that was only there when there was trouble of some kind. Now was obviously the time for the soldier to take control and put the prankster to rest, at least for the time being. "You sent for me?"
Wedge nodded and sat back in his chair a bit. "I just received word that we need to leave here within the next hour for a mission to the Corulus System. There have been reports of a Star Destroyer in the area, and they want confirmation. We’re the closest ones available to check it out."
Sighing, Wes nodded slightly. "I’ll alert the squadron and have them meet us down in the hanger for a quick briefing before the pre-flight check. Is there any indication of which Destroyer it might be?" Not that it really mattered all that much when it came to a Star Destroyer, but Wes tended to prefer to put a name to the shape.
Wedge shook his head as he got to his feet and came out from behind the desk. "I’ve already alerted everyone and they should be there when we arrive. As for the ship, all we know at this point is that it’s not one of ours."
"Which is more than enough." Wes fell easily into step with Wedge as they left the office and made their way towards the hanger. "So this is just an information gathering mission then?"
"If everything goes according to the mission parameters."
Wes snorted a bit in laughter, although there wasn’t much in the way of amusement in the sound. "When was the last time that happened, especially with this bunch?"
Lifting an eyebrow slightly, Wedge turned to look at his second-in-command. "As I recall, you helped me pick out this bunch."
"Now you’re just talking technicalities. All I did was get the people that fell within the parameters you gave me into your office. You’re the one that actually picked them out."
Wedge glanced at him as they walked into the hanger. "With your input."
"Which you promptly ignored."
A hint of amusement colored Wedge’s voice as he responded. "I figured you would be used to that sort of thing by now."
Before Wes had time for any kind of a decent comeback, they were standing in front of the squadron, all of who were looking at them expectantly. Wes made a mental note to get back at Wedge later as the Commander briefed the others on their mission.
Tyria lifted an eyebrow as Wedge finished speaking. "So we’re just going to check it out and report back? That’s it? That should be a piece of ryshcate compared to some of our other missions."
Face shook his head a bit as he glanced over at her. "Those have probably been the last words of more people than I want to think about, Tyria. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems, and if it is, then something is probably very wrong."
Wedge nodded as he looked over the group. "That’s exactly right, which is why we will be going in as though this were any other combat mission. So everyone go check out your fighters from top to bottom and make sure they’re in good working condition. We don’t want anything going wrong because someone didn’t take this seriously."
As the squadron broke up to take care of the pre-flight check, Wes headed over to his own fighter. He had just bent over to take a look at the s-foils when he felt someone smack his backside. Blinking, he stood up and looked around only to see Shalla walking away. Amused, Wes called out to her. "We’re supposed to be taking this seriously, Nelprin."
Shalla glanced over her shoulder at him and winked. "Who said I wasn’t serious?" She then disappeared behind his fighter on the way to her own, leaving him with just the sound of her smoky laughter.
Clearing his throat, Wes turned back to what he was doing and tried not to think about what that little exchange meant, at least until after they were finished with the mission. It would not be the best of idea’s to be going into something like this with Shalla on his mind rather than the possibility of an attack. Things like that could get a guy killed after all.
A few minutes later, after completing his circuit of the outside of his X-wing, Wes climbed up to the cockpit to complete his check. As he prepared to climb in he suddenly stopped as he realized that there was something sitting in his seat, something that looked suspiciously like an Ewok. Only this particular Ewok appeared to be somewhat flat, brown, and crumbly.
"What in the…" Reaching down, Wes lightly touched it with one gloved hand and then brought the glove to his nose. It smelled like Corellian whiskey. He then touched it to his tongue, and sure enough, it tasted like Corellian whiskey. Well, Corellian whiskey and his glove, but that was beside the point. It was about that time that he heard the rather distinct sound of Tyria giggling and looked down to see the squadron gathered at the base of the ladder.
"Happy lifeday, Wes!"
Wes just stood there for a moment, his eyes traveling over the amused faces looking up at him until finally they came to rest on Wedge. "This was your idea, wasn’t it?"
Wedge shook his head and pointed at Face. "Actually it was his, but I did help a little bit."
"He came up with the actual ‘mission’ and supplied the whiskey for the ryshcate." Face added, still amused by the look on Wes’ face. "He also recorded everything for posterity’s sake."
Wes snorted slightly, even as he reached into the cockpit again to pick up the Ewok shaped treat, and then carefully climbed back down the ladder. "Oh sure he did, just like that time with Kettch, right? I know that never actually happened, because Hobbie’s been after me to get a copy to him ever since. If you had actually taken one then he would have had it already."
Wedge cleared his throat as Wes hit the durocrete, then pointed to the holocam that was hovering nearby. "I was actually saving that one for a special occasion, and I thought that along with this one, it should make a nice midwinter gift for the Rogues."
Grinning, Shalla reached out and plucked a small piece of the ryshcate from Wes’ hands, then placed it to his lips. "Look on the bright side, flyboy. At least you’re wearing clothes this time."
Something in her eyes as he ate the treat from her fingertips told Wes that she could arrange for that to change if he wanted. He made a mental note to see about visiting her later on, but focused his attention on Wedge for the moment. "I don’t suppose we could come to a compromise of some sort? Maybe just give them this one and I’ll owe you a favor?"
"Do you have any idea how many favors you owe me, Wes? I have a list you know. I keep it in my desk."
"A big favor?"
Wedge smiled and put an arm around Wes’s shoulder. "Tell you what, why don’t we talk about it after the party, while you're busy helping Squeaky go over the list of supplies we need for the squadron."
Wes groaned as they started to head out of the hanger. "You are a cruel, cruel man, Antilles."
"I prefer to think of myself as a man with leverage."
"Same thing."
Wedge just laughed, snagging a piece of ryshcate and popping it in his mouth as the hanger doors closed behind them.