Supernatural: War of the Sons (review!)

Sep 20, 2010 17:04

I'm going to try not to be biased and stuff. No promises. THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR THIS BOOK BELOW THE CUT.

So the beginning part is basically this: Sam and Dean find themselves in a little town where people's desires are getting granted. (Wishful Thinking, anyone?) Little kid wants frogs, and it starts raining frogs, and so on and so forth. They run into an angel named Don and he offers them the chance to end the Apocalypse without ever saying "yes".

Then we jump ahead a season to Back to the Future II, when Sam foolishly takes aforementioned angel Don up on his deal-poor, desperate, naive Sasquatch-and the boys get zapped back to 1954.

There's a complicated scheme to steal an artifact, twelve tons of action, 75 cent pizza, and Dean in a fez and-later-a DERBY. :D

This is a really, really good book. A REALLY REALLY GOOD BOOK. Right up until our female antagonist/protagonist leaps in and starts butting heads with Dean. They're basically the same person and they don't get along, which leads to (surprise, surprise) the ol' "sexual tension", which leads to-you'll have to read to find out.

This is the one part of this book that I hate. By the fifth season there's kind of the sense that Dean wants to settle down a little bit. (he alludes to it in Swap Meat, he goes and talks to Lisa in 99 Problems, and then there's the entire beginning premise of season 6 where he's actually gone to live with Lisa and Kid.) AND THEN HE'S OFF FALLING IN LOVE WITH THIS TOTAL STRANGER IN 1954. Ugh.

Anyway. Overall a good read, which I'll give an 8/10 for solid plot and sheer good fun. The boys are spot on voice-wise (this book is supposed to take place after My Bloody Valentine) and the story is strong and bounces along at its own merry pace.

Side note: People buying this book for Cas? He's in it for like two paragraphs. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK IF YOU WANT CAS. Other angel activity I can guarantee, but not the presence of the Great Trench-Coated One.

And some quotes:

"Is My Little Pony one of the Four Horsemen?"

"Admit it," Sam laughed, "You miss Dr. Sexy."
Rappelling down the side of a skyscraper strapped to a leather harness is not a friggin' option. Sam is just going to have to say "yes" to Satan and fight the good fight.

"Okay, he's the World's Number One Earth-Loving Dad. He's not Lucifer."

"What are you, Buddy the Elf, fresh from the North Pole?"

"And Sam. I suggest you get a haircut? This isn't Amsterdam."

warofthesons, supernatural, review

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