Why not...

Aug 02, 2009 14:40

Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
Nope, in person

Ever had a near death experience?
I dunno really... =/

Where’s your cell phone?
I think in my bedroom

What is the last thing you thought about?
Star Ocean... lol Commander Kenny

Do you regret anything?

If you found out you were pregnant who would you tell?
I guess Brit since she'd be the daddy! lol

What are you going to do this weekend?
It's already the weekend... So work I guess

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Not long ago

Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy?
i dunno. depends on the situation...?

Who would you like your next “fling” to be with?
Um.... Brit I guess?

Would you curse in front of your parents?
I have before

What kind of camera do you have?

Would you rather go to a party or out of town?
Out of town.

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?
Not that I'm aware of

When was the last time you held someone’s hand?
The other day!

Who can you tell everything to?
Brit, Katy, and Mandi

Can you play guitar hero?
It hurts my hands... lol

is any part of your body sore?
not right now!

missing someone right now?

is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?

When was the last time you saw the person you last kissed?

Do you like your phone?
it gets the job done

Last thing alcohol beverage?
ummmmmmmmm I think a wine cooler. lol

Have you ever slept in a bed with the opposite sex?

Have any of your best friends ever back stabbed you?
no, I nearly stebbed my friend in the hand at work yesterday though. lol @ knives

If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick?
*shrug* brittany!

What’s the seventh text message in your inbox say?
Too lazy to check...

When is your next road trip?
We want to go to the beach...

What did you do during the weekend?
Worked and lazed around so far

Met anyone new in the past week?

What do your best friends call you?
Luci, Katy calls me Demon =3

Who was the last person to go to the movies with you?
Brit, we saw Ice Age 3

Are you currently fighting with someone?

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Friday night

Who/What would you like to see right now?
Moar TF porn

Are you mad at someone right now?

What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
Again, too lazy to look

Do you mainly use your house phone or your cell phone?

Is there an empty place in your heart?
Not really

Do you count down the days till anything?

Are you looking forward to something as of right now?
My next paycheck -_-

Have you ever been called a tease?

What are your chances of getting with your crush?
already with her

What is the farthest you’ve traveled with a friend?

Are any of your friends so close that you consider them family?
Sure, why not?

Anyone told you a secret this week?

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
It turns itself off

Do you hate anyone?
no, greatly dislike, yes.

Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing?

What do you want in your life right now?
Better job or a house....

When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?
Last night, thinking of that damn commercial that cracks me up because I mishear the song in it..... *giggles*

Did you tell someone something today?
I dunno...

Do you trust people easily?
I guess so

What were you doing at 9pm Friday night?
Eating with Brit I think

What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
i don't think it's healthy, but everyone's different. I know I couldn't do such a thing

How's your heart lately?

Did you just wake up?
Like... 9? 10?

What's the color of the hand soap in your bathroom?

The next person you'll hold hands with, will it mean anything?
Of course! It always has

What is your middle name?

What can you hear right now?
andi playing Star Ocean 4

Who was your last text from?
I think Chelsea

Are you someone's close friend?

Last time you cried?

When's the last time you looked in the dictionary?
An actuall BOOK dictionary and not the internet? I don't remember...

Have you seen all the Rocky movies?
When I was a kid I saw the first one I think

What books, if any, have made you cry?
The Subtle Knife when Scoresby died, and The Amber Spyglass when Lyra has to leave Pan on that dock...

Last thing you drank?

When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
That night I felt randomly feverish a few weeks ago

Where did you sleep last night?
my bed

Do you have good vision?
With my glasses!

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Ice Age 3

Has anyone ever cheated on you?

Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?

Have you been to New York City?

Does whatever happens in Vegas... really stay in Vegas?
I've been there before, nothing of great intrest happened.... Well, my brothers lost me in a casino as a baby but I don't remember that....

Are you closer to your mother or father?
I think it's about even... My mom drives me less crazy

Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
not too much

Look outside, how's the weather outside?
Hot, humid, yuck.

What was the last thing you saw on TV?
The Incredibles

Do the speakers on your computer work?

Do you have a job?
*sigh* yes... hoping it'll get better

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

Do you have any children?

Have you ever written in wet cement?

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I think Brit

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

Ever lied about your age?
Maybe on accident...

Can you speak any languages other than English?
not really....

What is one thing you've learned about life?
Unexpected things happen. And not to attempt to force my opinions and beleifs on people no matter how wrong or misguided they may seem

Do you have any expensive jewelry?
I dunno....

Have you ever punched someone?
not in a fight

Have you ever lied to someone?

What are you looking forward to?
getting money....

What do you usually do first in the morning?

What is one emotion you are feeling right now?

Who did you hang out with last night?
Mandi and Brit

Is someone of the opposite sex on your mind at the moment?
We'll just pretend you know I'm a lesbian. Yes she is.

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
Again, see above. Sometimes yes, being with another chick can be very confusing and dramatic. But we get over it fast.

What is the reason behind the last time you cried?
I got a $60 paycheck and I'M SO POOR OMG

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?

Are you gonna be home alone tonight?

Do you have a best friend?

How old are your siblings?
shit... I don't know....

What do you carry with you at all times?
Purse, wallet, keys, phone

How many piercings do you have?

How many tattoos do you have?

Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?
I don't really care...

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Are you perfect?
Sure, if you want to belive it

How many times have you been to Canada?

Where are you most ticklish?
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