check your stats//

Jan 01, 2000 01:01



SATURDAY 04.03.04
-Anna // zoe134 @hot***.com
-E.Oshiro // controlfreak @conva***.net
-Karla // prettyinskulls @yah***.com
-Kate // taintedkoolaid @hotm***.com

WEDNESDAY 04.07.04
-Alliey // from NY (no email or userinfo provided)
-Lani // evilstrawberries @ao***.com
-Jennifer // ljmetalguru @yah***.com
-Shawn // jimganoe @earthl***.net
-Alexz // _bulluttraunt

THURSDAY 04.08.04
-Jessica // bloodyxkisses@christismybitc***.com

FRIDAY 04.09.04
-Crystal // trashymagazine @ao***.com
-Holli // velvetpixi3 @yah***.com
-Reyna // nerdpunk_99 @hot***.com
-Sarah // from SC (no email or userinfo provided)

SATURDAY 04.10.04
-Pamela // rocknrollbraclet @ao***.com
-Rachel // suicidalzombie @hot***.com
-Linz // xshatteredreamsx2000 @yah***.com
-Erica // from HI (no email or userinfo provided)

MONDAY 04.12.04
-Christa // from NY (no username or email provided)
-Gutterwhore77 // xscarred4lifex@ ao***.com
-Rachel // rileyFINNatic666 @ao***.com
-Shawn // jimganoe @earthl****.net

TUESDAY 04.13.04
-Leah // x_a_fire_inside @yah****.com
-Samantha // samfree13 @yah****.com
-Brenna // xviciousvixenx
-Emily // killerinstinct
-Janice // from NY

WEDNESDAY 04.14.04
-Roxanne // from NY (no username or email provided)
-Claudia // ladymoz

SATURDAY 04.23.04
-Annette // crampstomp77 @yah****.com
-Anna // shoutitoutxx @hot****.com

THURSDAY 05.06.04
-Geronimo // sofuckingtragic

FRIDAY 05.14.04
-Geronimo // sofuckingtragic
-Claudia // ladymoz

MONDAY 05.17.04
-Janie // oi_toy77
-Marisa // anemic_royalty
-Juliana // xxriotgrrlxx

TUESDAY 05.18.04
-Deanna // bitterpill77

THURSDAY 05.27.04
-Kellie. // thel0stsoul

SATURDAY 05.29.04
-Jenny H. // no username or lj name provided
-Christina F. // guiltysilence @hot****.com
-Stephanie S. // iamsofakingfat
pretty_kitty753// pretty_kitty7537 @yah****.com

FRIDAY 06.04.04
-Denise D. // nakedrose
-Charity H. // bluedgrl04
-Tori Q. // purgatori84

SATURDAY 06.05.04
-chrissy // sickgirl1313 @ao****.com

MONDAY 06.07.04
-Leah // x_a_fire_inside @yah****.com

SATURDAY 06.12.04
-Lauren // hermoviescene @yah****.com
-Kimberly // shewantsdanger @hot****.com
-D.Wyatt // diedolliedoom @hot****.com

WEDNESDAY 06.23.04
-Karla // shock_treatment
-Hula // bloody_tampon @hot****.com

MONDAY 06.28.04
-Vanessa // slit_open
-Stephanie // imsofakingfat
-Krista // citizensugark

TUESDAY 07.06.04
alexz // (_bullettraunt)
krista // (citizensugark)
claudia // (ladymoz)
karla // (shock_treatment)

TUESDAY 08.17.04
jasmine // (onesoul)
peggy s. //

WEDNESDAY 08.18.04
alison // (_domination)
Heidi R.
Cheri Breeze

FRIDAY 08.20.04
tara // (hollywoodtease)
alex // (radio_ga_ga)
alex // (nakedrose)

*once i recieve your payment, i leave you positive feedback, so do the same once you recieve your packages. i'm all about smooth and fast transactions and once i recieve your payment, i email you and it makes morning shipment the next day. keep in mind that mail doesn't run on SUNDAYS.



TUESDAY 04.06.04
-chrissy // sickgirl1313 @ao***.com [payment] ( recieved, left )

FRIDAY 04.09.04
-jaime // daddyslildefect @hot***.com [trade] ( recieved, left )

MONDAY 04.12.04
-sherry // devotchkadoll [trade] ( recieved, left )

SATURDAY 04.17.04
-christa // second_hand_roses @hot***.com [payment] ( recieved, left )

MONDAY 04.19.04
-chrissy // sickgirl1313 @ao***.com [payment] ( recieved, left )

WEDNESDAY 04.28.04
-ash // whatswiththisangrykid @co***.net [payment] ( recieved, left )

TUESDAY 05.18.04
-katrina // dollythewench [payment] ** DEADBEAT **

FRIDAY 06.04.04
-jessica p. // bloodyxkisses@christismybitc***.com [payment]( recieved, left )

MONDAY 06.28.04
-Chrissy // [payment] ( recieved, left )
-Katie // prettygrotesque [payment] ( recieved, left )

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