
Aug 22, 2004 23:06

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Comments 19

_wannadisco_ August 22 2004, 22:39:36 UTC
you're not on aim.
you should be.


wrecktangle_ August 23 2004, 19:29:55 UTC
no i'm not.
should i?


_thrill August 22 2004, 22:50:15 UTC
Oh no! You're getting your hair cut! This cannot be good.


wrecktangle_ August 23 2004, 19:30:43 UTC
yes. yes it can. my hair is too long. we'll see how it turns out.

i'm nervous.


time_tells_all August 23 2004, 00:02:03 UTC
guns and roses are making an incredible come-back me thinks. everyone here is rather obsessed at the moment.

dude seriously. i need to find me a man, i've been looking at hot lingerie models all day on my search for the perfect underwear...


wrecktangle_ August 23 2004, 19:32:14 UTC
uh. no, they really aren't. chinese democracy anyone? it was kav's fault.

i really don't see what your problem is. sounds alright to me.


skilledbastard August 23 2004, 01:07:53 UTC
Quentin Tarantino is an awesome director!
Pulp Fiction rocks!


wrecktangle_ August 23 2004, 19:33:32 UTC
pulp fiction is quite clearly his best film. but kill bill vol 2 is pretty good too. kinda weak ending for tarentino though, but i'll let him off.


__steph August 23 2004, 03:11:48 UTC
Partying like no other is a good time. I think my thumb is broken because of it.

I am coming to harass you in 5 days. BEWARE.


wrecktangle_ August 23 2004, 19:34:22 UTC
5 days? wow.

when do you get to bristol? e-mail me: tim@dinocore.net. kthx.


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