i rarely update this doodad anymore. when i do something other than drink and play bass, i'll let you know.
yesterday we had a family outing visit trip meeting. it was good; lots of food, and nice food at that. sarah and i learned how to use the self timer feature on our camera.
we didn't exactly get it right first time. this is my "which button makes it work?" face. yeah, i know.
however, we did manage to take one good photo. curiouser and curiouser.
and then sarah nabbed the camera and took pictures of me from accross the room. so yeah, i look like this these days. oh how very stern.
and that's about it for photos.
in other news the metro want some gigs, so book us.
e-mail us using this handy link.
if you book us; we will come. maybe.
i went to see alfie, and i fell in love with jude law all over again. he's a pretty, pretty man. anyone else think he looks worryingly like paul nicholls though? i want to steal all of his clothes, because they're snappy.
i also went to see dodgeball, and it was awesome. "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball". right on man, right on.
i also went to see collateral, it didn't have a plot but it looked pretty sumptuous.
i went to see layer cake, and that was pretty nifty too, even though it was a while back.
it appears i have a cinema problem.
i want to write more, but i'm boring myself. snore.
until next time.