so...yeah....i was on a boat in the gulf during a storm this weekend.......

Jun 26, 2005 21:36

it was fun. I ended up catching 1 damn fish. everyone else in the boat got like 3. It kinda sucked. And the directions to where I was at are very simple. Take i49 until it ends in lafayette. take highway 56 until it ends. thats it. this place, its the end of the road in Cocadrie. Shrimp boats everywhere, I was waiting for Forrest to jump to Lt. Dan ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

thejennavive June 27 2005, 04:36:37 UTC
I miss the camp too... those were the best times.


40dayflood July 7 2005, 00:45:22 UTC
yeah, they were the good times. *sigh*
lol, me and figi were usually the hungry ones..=)
im me sometime...


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