I'm venting today....

Jul 15, 2005 12:35

I hate this job. The people are cool, but the atmosphere is kinda creatively stifiling. So, I had to design a flyer for the annual family day picnic. Usually, it helps when I know where the event is going to be held. Well, I knew of one place, spent all night designing it (I'll upload a link to it later) only to find out that it may not be held at ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

yellecat05 July 15 2005, 18:43:46 UTC
well you've always got me to come home to so that should make life a little better!


adrienne05 July 16 2005, 17:35:38 UTC
hey you! i'm planning a trip to natchitrash after LSMSA starts. like second week in august - ish. so plan on it buddy. i want to see you!


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